ITALY "ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION IN THE FACE OF MODERN CHALLENGES". <p>An international open conference that publishes original research and commentary articles in various fields. The main goal is to offer an intellectual platform for international scientists and develop interdisciplinary research in the field of applied sciences</p> en-US ITALY "ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION IN THE FACE OF MODERN CHALLENGES". QASHQADARYO DARYOSI <p><strong>Annotatsiya:</strong><em>Ushbu maqolada Qashqadaryo daryosi uning irmoqlari,suv sarfi,iqtisodiy ahamiyati,uning tuzilishi haqida ma’lumot keltirilgan.</em></p> Talabboyeva Mohinabonu Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-14 2024-09-14 18 1 BOSHLANG'ICH TA'LIMDA INTEGRATSIYA <p><strong>Annotatsiya:</strong><em> Boshlang‘ich ta’limda integratsiya jarayoni ta’limning turli fanlarini bir-biriga bog‘lab o‘qitish orqali o‘quvchilarda har tomonlama rivojlangan ko‘nikmalarni shakllantirishga xizmat qiladi. Ushbu maqolada integratsiyaning ahamiyati, maqsadi va usullari ko‘rib chiqiladi. Shuningdek, turli fanlarni birgalikda o‘qitish orqali o‘quvchilarning tahliliy fikrlash, muammolarni yechish va ijodiy yondashish qobiliyatlari qanday rivojlanishi batafsil yoritiladi. Integratsiya, ayniqsa, boshlang‘ich ta’lim bosqichida o‘quvchilarning qiziqishini oshirish va bilimlarning bir-biriga bog‘liq holda mustahkamlanishiga ko‘maklashadi.</em></p> Karimova Sitora Qurbonboy qizi Eshonqulova Malika Zayniddin qizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-14 2024-09-14 18 1 COGNITIVE PROCESSES IN TASK-BASED LANGUAGE LEARNING <p>Task-Based Language Learning (TBLL) is a pedagogical approach that emphasizes the use of meaningful tasks as the primary vehicle for language learning. Rather than focusing solely on language forms and structures, TBLL centers around engaging learners in tasks that simulate real-world language use. The underlying cognitive processes involved in TBLL are crucial to understanding how this approach facilitates language acquisition and development.</p> Sobirova Asilabonu Aziz kizi Maftuna Abdurasulova Ilhomjon kizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-08 2024-10-08 18 1 JAHON XOREOGRAFIYASI SAN’ATINING TURLARI VA SHAKLLARI <p><strong>Annotatsiya: </strong><em>Xoreografiya san'ati – bu nafaqat raqs texnikalarini o'rgatish, balki yosh avlodning axloqiy, madaniy va jismoniy rivojlanishiga ham katta ta'sir ko'rsatuvchi kuchli tarbiyaviy vositadir. Raqs san’ati har bir xalqning madaniy merosini, estetik dunyoqarashini va ma’naviy qadriyatlarini aks ettiradi. Shuning uchun xoreografiyani yosh avlodni tarbiyalash vositasi sifatida foydalanish, ularning shaxsiyatini shakllantirishda va jamiyatga munosib kishilar bo‘lib yetishishida muhim o‘rin tutadi.</em></p> Boboqulova Dilnoza Abdujabborova Roʻzioy Sharofiddin qizi Djumabaeva Maqpal Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-08 2024-10-08 18 1 HARBIY JURNALISTKANING IJODIY FAOLIYATI VA RESPUBLIKA OMMAVIY AXBAROT VOSITALARIDA QUROLLI KUCHLARDAGI ISLOHOTLARNING YORITILISHI <p><strong>Annotatsiya: </strong><em>Butun dunyoda shiddat bilan kechayotgan globallashuv jahonda ro’y berayotgan siyosiy, ijtimoiy va iqtisodiy jarayonlar yuzaga kelgan. Mana shunday vaziyatda sohadagi yangiliklarni yoritishda jurnalistdan kasbiy mahorat bilan birga chuqur idrok, teran fikr, ziyrakli va sergalikni talab etadi. Jurnalist ijtimoiy hayotdagi o’zgarishlarni, yutuqlarni hamda kamchiliklarni haqqoniy va xolisona yorita olsagina uning maqolalari, ko’rsatuvlari va eshittirishlari jamiyat taraqqiyotiga xizmat qiladi. O’zbekiston harbiy jurnalistka axbarot integratsiyasi jarayonlar tarkibida tutgan o’rni va ahamiyati haqida so’z yuritilgan. Harbiy jurnalistkada oldiga qo’yilgan aniq vazifalari misollar orqali ochib berilgan.</em></p> Baxriddinova Sarvinoz Baxriddin qizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-13 2024-10-13 18 1 YANGI O‘ZBEKISTONDA YANGICHA HAYOT <p><strong>Annotatsiya</strong><strong>:</strong> <em>So‘ngi yillar mamlakatimizda deyarli barcha jabhalarda yangilanish, rivojlanish bosqichi kechmoqda desak yangilishmagan bo’lamiz. Shunga monand ravishda davlatimiz rahbari tashabbusi bilan boshlangan islohotlar yaqqol namoyonidir. Ushbu maqolada shular haqida so‘z boradi.</em></p> Asqarjonov Komronbek Asqarjon o‘g‘li Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-15 2024-10-15 18 1 ИНТЕРНЕТ-ЭТИКА В ЭПОХУ ГЛОБАЛИЗАЦИИ <p><strong>Аннотация:</strong> <em>«Интернет-этика в эпоху глобализации» посвящена анализу этических вопросов, возникающих с развитием интернета и глобальных цифровых технологий. В эпоху глобализации интернет оказывает значительное влияние на различные аспекты жизни общества, что приводит к необходимости разработки новых этических принципов и стандартов поведения в цифровой среде. Основные темы статьи включают конфиденциальность данных, проблемы распространения дезинформации, кибербуллинг и вопросы цифровой грамотности. Особое внимание уделяется будущим вызовам интернет-этики в контексте развития таких технологий, как искусственный интеллект, интернет вещей (IoT) и блокчейн. Автор обсуждает необходимость глобального сотрудничества и регулирования, а также важную роль образовательных программ для формирования ответственного поведения в интернете. Статья акцентирует внимание на том, что эффективное управление цифровой средой требует этического подхода, направленного на обеспечение безопасности, справедливости и уважения прав всех пользователей в условиях стремительной глобализации.</em></p> Токторбек кызы Нуржанат Маматова Венера Токтобаевна Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-15 2024-10-15 18 1 BUDJET TASHKILOTLARIDA ASOSIY VOSITALAR AUDITINING HOZIRGI HOLATI TAHLILI <p>О‘zbekiston Respublikasida budjet tashkilotlarida asosiy vositalar auditining hozirgi holatini tahlil qilish muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi. Bu tahlil orqali mavjud muammolar va kamchiliklarni aniqlash, shuningdek, auditni takomillashtirish bо‘yicha takliflar ishlab chiqish mumkin.</p> Umirova Mavjuda Shuxratovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-17 2024-10-17 18 1 BUGUNGI KUN — O'RGIMCHAK TO'RIMI? <p><strong>Annotatsiya: </strong><em>Bugungi dunyo shiddat bilan rivojlanayotgan va murakkab tus olgan. Texnologiyalar, axborot oqimi, ijtimoiy tarmoqlar va iqtisodiy bog‘liqliklar hamma narsani bir-biriga mahkam bog‘lab qo‘yganday ko‘rinadi. Aynan shu bog‘lanishlar ba'zan o'rgimchak to‘rini eslatadi — qayerga borsak ham, qayga qaramaylik, turli aloqa, axborot yoki texnologiyalarning to‘riga tushib qolgandek his qilamiz. Ushbu maqolada bugungi kunda global tarmoqlar, texnologiyalar va ijtimoiy munosabatlarning o‘rgimchak to‘riga qiyos qilinishi haqidagi fikrlarni tahlil qilamiz.</em></p> Sitora Juraboeva Axroro qizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-19 2024-10-19 18 1 KIBERXAVFSIZLIK VA UNING RAQAMLI TEXNOLOGIYALARDA ROLI <p><strong>Annotatsiya: </strong><em>Ushbu maqola kiberxavfsizlikning raqamli texnologiyalardagi o‘rni va ahamiyatini ko‘rib chiqadi. Kiberxavfsizlik ma’lumotlarni himoya qilish, ish faoliyatini davom ettirish va iste’molchilar ishonchini oshirishga xizmat qiladi. Maqolada internet, bulutli xizmatlar va mobil qurilmalar doirasida xavfsizlikni ta’minlash usullari muhokama qilinadi. Kiberxavfsizlikni ta’minlash uchun zarur bo’lgan qadamlar, jumladan xavfsizlik siyosatini ishlab chiqish va xodimlarni o‘qitish taklif etiladi. Xulosa qilib, maqola kiberxavfsizlikning raqamli muhitda muvaffaqiyat uchun muhim ekanligini ta’kidlaydi.</em></p> Adham Idiboyev Sunnat o’g’li Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-27 2024-10-27 18 1 KATTA MA’LUMOTLARNI TAHLIL QILISHDA DASTURLASH VA RAQAMLI TEXNOLOGIYALAR <p><strong>Annotatsiya:</strong><em> Ushbu maqolada katta ma’lumotlarni tahlil qilishda dasturlash va raqamli texnologiyalarning ahamiyati ko’rib chiqiladi. </em><em>Katta ma’lumotlar zamonaviy iqtisodiyotda muhim rol o’ynaydi va ularni tahlil qilish uchun Python, R, Java va Scala kabi dasturlash tillari qo’llaniladi. Raqamli texnologiyalar, jumladan, ma’lumotlar bazalari va mashina o’rganish algoritmlari, ma’lumotlarni samarali tahlil qilish imkonini beradi. Maqola katta ma’lumotlarni tahlil qilishning foydalari, jumladan, yaxshilangan qaror qabul qilish va innovatsiyalarni qo’llab-quvvatlashni yoritadi.</em></p> Adham Idiboyev Sunnat o’g’li Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-27 2024-10-27 18 1 INGLIZ TILIDA SO’Z BOYLIGINI OSHIRISH STRATEGIYALARI <p><strong>Annotatsiya:</strong> <em>So'z boyligi til o'rganish jarayonida muhim ahamiyatga ega. Ingliz tilida so'z boyligini oshirish nafaqat tilni o'rganishni osonlashtiradi, balki muloqotda yanada samarali bo'lish imkonini beradi. Ushbu maqolada ingliz tilida so'z boyligini oshirish uchun samarali strategiyalar ko'rib chiqiladi.</em></p> Raxmonqulova Feruza Akmal qizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-03 2024-11-03 18 1 THE ROLE OF TEACHERS IN CHILD PROTECTION <p><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>This article highlights the essential role of teachers in child protection within educational settings. It discusses their responsibilities in identifying signs of abuse, creating safe environments, and providing emotional support. Key skills required for effective child protection, such as communication and empathy, are emphasized, along with the importance of collaboration with parents and the community. By prioritizing child protection, teachers contribute significantly to fostering a safe and supportive educational environment for students.</em></p> Fatima Hamrokulova Bakhtyorovna Zubaydova Nilufar Nematullayevna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-04 2024-11-04 18 1 AKKUSATIV KELISHIGINI TALAB QILUVCHI PREDLOGLAR YORDAMIDA IFODALANIB KELGAN ILOVALI ELEMENTLAR <p><strong>Annotasiya:</strong> <em>Ushbu maqolada akkusativ kelishigini talab qiluvchi predloglar yordamida ifodalanib kelgan ilovali elementlar, Durch predlogi bilan ifodalangan ilovali element yakka va kengaytirilgan holda kelishligi, Gegen predlogi bilan ifodalanib kelgan ilovali elementlarning durch predlogi bilan ifodalanib kelgan ilovali elementlarga o‘xshashligi va für predlogi bilan ifodalangan ilovali elementlar haqida so‘z boradi.</em></p> Saidov Zokir Zikriyoevich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-06 2024-11-06 18 1 THE ROLE OF ENGLISH IN INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION <p><strong>Annotation: </strong><em>English has grown beyond its origins to become a global lingua franca, widely adopted in international business, diplomacy, science, and media. This article examines the impact of English on international communication, exploring why it has become essential in global discourse, its advantages in bridging diverse cultures, and the challenges associated with its widespread use. By understanding the role of English, we gain insights into its continued relevance and the implications for non-native speakers worldwide.</em></p> Shamsiyeva Sevinchoy Nodirovna Shamuradova Naima Muxtarovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-10 2024-11-10 18 1 TIPS TO EXPAND YOUR ENGLISH VOCABULARY <p><strong>Annotation: </strong><em>This article provides practical tips to enhance English vocabulary effectively. It covers methods for learning new words, retaining vocabulary, and integrating these words into daily communication. The tips are designed for learners at different levels and focus on interactive, consistent strategies that encourage a natural expansion of vocabulary. The article serves as a guide for English learners aiming to improve both their active and passive vocabulary skills.</em></p> Amonova Sevinch Ikromjon qizi Shamuradova Naima Muxtarovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-10 2024-11-10 18 1 OVERCOMING COMMON BARRIERS FOR RUSSIAN SPEAKERS LEARNING UZBEK <p><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>This study investigates the primary obstacles Russian speakers encounter when learning Uzbek, focusing on phonological, grammatical, and cultural challenges. Given the linguistic differences between the Turkic and Slavic language families, Russian speakers often struggle with elements such as Uzbek vowel harmony, unique consonant sounds, and agglutinative grammar structures. Additionally, cultural nuances embedded within the Uzbek lexicon present a further barrier to comprehension and fluency. This paper identifies these key challenges through qualitative analysis and offers practical solutions to aid language acquisition. The study aims to support educators and language institutions in tailoring teaching methodologies for Russian-speaking learners of Uzbek, ultimately facilitating a more effective language learning process.</em></p> Aslanov Akmal Subxanovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-13 2024-11-13 18 1 INTERAKTIV O’YINLAR ORQALI TALABALAR VA O’QUVCHILARNING TIL BILISH QOBILYATINI OSHIRISHNING AFZALLIKLARI <p><strong>Annotatsiya:</strong> <em>Ushbu maqolada sinfdagi talabalar va o`quvchilar uchun jamoaviy ishlashning afzalliklari tahlil qilingan. Ularning o‘qish jarayonini&nbsp; jamoaviy ishlar tashkil qilish orqali yaxshilash masalalari keng yoritilgan. Talabalarning jamoaviy ishlarini tezlashtiradigan yangi usullar va metodlar sinab ko‘rildi hamda maqola orqali talabalarning oldingi va keyingi natijalari qiyoslandi.</em></p> Bahoroy Yo’lliyeva Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-13 2024-11-13 18 1 METHODS THAT CAN HELP STUDENTS IMPROVE THEIR SPEAKING SKILLS <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> <em>Nowadays, most students have problems related to their speaking skills. This article shows how to improve our speaking skills and demonstrates effective ways to boost fluency.</em></p> Khajieva Mukhlisa Egamberdiyeva Mukhlisa Shuhratovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-13 2024-11-13 18 1 THE ROLE OF BODY LANGUAGE AND GESTURE IN LISTENING <p><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>This article explores body language and gestures play a crucial role in communication, complementing spoken language by conveying meaning beyond words. Non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions, hand movements, posture, and eye contact, enhance the emotional and cognitive aspects of communication, providing additional context that can clarify or reinforce verbal messages. Gestures, in particular, serve as both universal and culturally specific tools that help express ideas, emotions, and intentions. They can substitute for words when verbal language is insufficient or unavailable and often facilitate comprehension, especially in challenging communication environments. Research in linguistics and psychology suggests that gestures are not merely an accompaniment to language but are integrated with speech in ways that reflect cognitive processes. This integration helps in structuring thoughts, aiding memory, and improving understanding during conversation. Understanding the relationship between body language, gesture, and verbal language deepens insights into human communication, highlighting the importance of both verbal and non-verbal elements in effective interaction.</em></p> Teshaboyeva Nafisa Zubaydulla qizi Saydaxmatova Dilnoza Fayzullo qizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-14 2024-11-14 18 1 LISTENING FOR DISCOURSE MARKERS AND CONNECTORS <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> <em>In this article I want to give information about </em><em>l</em><em>istening for discourse markers and connectors involves identifying specific words or phrases that help structure spoken language and clarify relationships between ideas. Discourse markers (e.g., "however," "therefore," "on the other hand") and connectors (e.g., "and," "but," "because") serve as linguistic signals that guide listeners through the flow of conversation, making it easier to understand transitions, contrasts, and cause-effect relationships. In listening comprehension, recognizing these elements enhances the ability to follow arguments, detect nuances, and grasp the overall coherence of speech, ultimately improving communication skills in both academic and casual settings.</em></p> Teshaboyeva Nafisa Zubaydulla qizi Suyarova Odina Vohid qizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-15 2024-11-15 18 1 TASK-BASED LEARNING AND LISTENING COMPREHENSION <p><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>This article explores the role of Task-Based Learning (TBL) in enhancing listening comprehension in second language acquisition. TBL, which focuses on real-life tasks rather than explicit grammar instruction, provides learners with meaningful opportunities to use language in authentic communicative situations. The article discusses how TBL improves listening comprehension by offering exposure to real-world listening materials, fostering interactive communication, and emphasizing the importance of understanding meaning over form. Additionally, the stages of listening within the TBL framework-pre-task, task cycle, and post-task—are examined, highlighting how each phase supports the development of listening skills. While TBL presents challenges such as cognitive load and the need for form-focused support, its benefits in improving active listening, especially through task repetition and diverse listening inputs, make it an effective method for language learners.</em></p> Teshaboyeva Nafisa Zubaydulla qizi Ziyodova Xadicha Ubaydullo qizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-16 2024-11-16 18 1 THE ROLE OF VOCABULARY KNOWLEDGE IN LISTENING COMPREHENTION <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> <em>This article aims at examining the impact of vocabulary knowledge on listening comprehension. Helping learners to gain a wide range of vocabulary knowledge is a fundamental issue for improving their general language proficiency globally. The study revealed a substantial correlation between listening comprehension and the depth and breadth of vocabulary knowledge. The study used a quantitative method to collect data from 103 English-majored students at HUIT. The paper highlighted the particular methods for learning vocabulary which can assist students to learn more vocabulary in English and broaden their vocabulary at the same time. Additionally, it might increase students' motivation to learn the language and make the process simpler.</em></p> Teshaboyeva Nafisa Zubaydulla qizi Xoldorova Rayxona Erkin qizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-16 2024-11-16 18 1 THE IMPORTANCE OF CRITICAL THINKING AND MEDIA LITERACY IN THE DIGITAL AGE <p><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>Explores the importance of critical thinking and media literacy in the digital age. With the development of digital technologies, the flow of information increases, and the ability of people to evaluate and analyze data remains essential. With the help of critical thinking, individuals are able to analyze information sources and determine their reliability. Media literacy teaches users to correctly understand and evaluate information coming from various media sources. These skills contribute to a deeper understanding of social issues, ensuring personal safety and active participation in democratic processes. The article also highlights the personal and societal need to develop critical thinking and media literacy.</em></p> Sodiqjonova Nilufar Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-16 2024-11-16 18 1 XORIJIY TILLARNI O`RGATISHNING AHAMIYATI VA FOYDALANILADIGAN METODLAR <p><strong>Annotatsiya: </strong><em>Hozirgi kunda xorijiy tilni bilish,o`rganish <strong>&nbsp;</strong>davr talabiga aylanib bormoqda.Bunga sabab insonlar turli xil sohalarda (masalan,ta`lim,biznes,tibbiyot va yana bir qator yo`nalishlar)xorijiy mamlakatlar bilan tajriba almashish maqsadida,ular bilan hamkorlikni yo`lga qo`yish uchun ham kamida ikki yoki uchta chet tilini o`rganishmoqda.Shuning uchun hozirgi kunda hattoki bog`cha yoshidagi bolalarga ham chet tillari o`rgatilmoqda.Bu borada davlatimiz rahbari ham bir qator qulayliklar va imkoniyatlar yaratib bermoqda.Ushbu maqolada o`quvchilarga xorijiy tillarni o`rgatishda qo`llaniladigan samarali metodlar haqida va chet tilini o`rganish uchun yurtimizda yaratilgan qulayliklar haqida so`z boradi.</em></p> Alimardonova Fotima Alimardonovna Sattarova Dilrabo Ikrambayevna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-16 2024-11-16 18 1 O’ZBEKISTON RESPUBLIKASIDA INSON HUQUQLARI VA IJTIMOIY SIYOSAT <p><strong>Annotasiya: </strong><em>Bugungi kunda mamlakatimizda inson huquqlariga berilayotgan e’tibor va ijtimoiy hayot qay darajada olib borilyapti.</em></p> Jalolov Akbarali Farhod o’g’li Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-17 2024-11-17 18 1 EKOLOGIYA BUZILISHINING INSON SALOMATLIGIGA TA’SIRI <p><strong>Annotatsiya:</strong> <em>Maqolada ekologiya, tabiat tushunchasi, u buzilishining inson salomatligiga ko`rsatadigan ta`siri, bugungi kundagi statistik ko`rsatkichlar, olib borilayotgan ishlar, rejalar xususida so`z boradi.</em></p> Begmamatova Zaynabbonu Ilhom qizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 18 1 MODDALAR ALMASHINUVI: BIOLOGIK JARAYONLAR VA ULARNING ORGANIZMDAGI AHMIYATI <p><strong>Annotatsiya: </strong><em>Ushbu maqolada moddalar almashinuvi (metabolizm) jarayonlari va ularning organizmda o‘rni haqida batafsil tahlil keltirilgan. Moddalar almashinuvi hujayralarda va butun organizmda kimyoviy reaktsiyalar orqali energiya ishlab chiqarish va zarur moddalarning sintezi bilan bog‘liq bo‘lib, bu jarayonlar ikki asosiy yo‘nalishda amalga oshadi: katabolizm (parchalanish) va anabolizm (sintez). Maqolada metabolizmning energetik jarayonlari, uglevodlar, oqsillar va yog‘larning roliga alohida e'tibor qaratilgan. Shuningdek, gormonlar va metabolizmning o‘zaro ta’siri, organizmning sog‘lom ishlashi uchun zarur bo‘lgan metabolik muvozanat va uning buzilishi natijasida yuzaga keladigan kasalliklar (diabet, semizlik, hipotiroidizm va boshqalar) muhokama qilingan. Moddalar almashinuvi jarayonlarining to‘g‘ri ishlashi organizmning barqarorligini saqlash uchun juda muhimdir, shuning uchun bu jarayonlarni yaxshilash va sog‘lom turmush tarzini qo‘llash zarur.</em></p> Yuldasheva Nozima Dilshod qizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-24 2024-11-24 18 1 MADANIY DIPLOMATIYA VA UNING MOHIYATI <p><strong>Anotatsiya:</strong> <em>Ushbu maqolada xalqaro munosabatlarning ajralmas qismi, yumshoq kuchning o’zagi bo’lmish madaniy diplomatiyaning ahamiyati, mohiyati hamda uning xalqlar hayotiga ta’sir etish jihatlari </em><em>yuzasidan bajarilayotgan ishlar mazmuni tahlil qilinadi va misollar yordamida asoslanadi.</em></p> Rasulov Azizjon Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-25 2024-11-25 18 1 JAHON MIQYOSIDA INGLIZ TILINI O‘RNI <p><strong>Annotatsiya:</strong> <em>Bu maqoladangliz tili bugungi kunda jahon miqyosida eng keng tarqalgan va ta’sirli tillardan biri hisoblanadi. Uning o‘rni asosan iqtisodiyot, ilm-fan, texnologiya va madaniyat sohalarida o‘z aksini topadi. Quyida ingliz tilining global ahamiyati haqida asosiy jihatlar keltirilgan:&nbsp; ingliz tilining xalqaro muloqot tili ekanligi, ilm-fan texnologiyada yetakchiligi, talim tili sifatidagi ahamiyati, oliy talimda ustunligi, madaniy mustahkamligi va sayohat va turizm sohasidagi ahamiyati haqida so’z yuritiladi. </em></p> Nurimova Sarvinoz Alisherovna Zubaydova Nilufar Ne’matillayevna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-25 2024-11-25 18 1 INTERACTIVE LEARNING TASKS FOR ENRICHING VOCABULARY AND LISTENING COMPETENCIES IN ESL CLASSES <p><strong>Abstract</strong><strong>:</strong> <em>This article is devoted to the study of the importance of interactive learning tasks for the development of vocabulary and listening competencies in ESL (English as a Second Language) classes. Popular methods of teaching and learning English, Internet resources were used in the research process. During the writing of the article, the principles of theoretical-deductive conclusion, analysis and synthesis, logicality were used. The ways of effectively organizing the process of language learning with the help of modern educational methods and technologies are considered in the article. Interactive methods, including group discussions, role-playing, exercises based on audio and video materials, as well as the use of online platforms, are analyzed.</em></p> Jamolova Aziza Jamshedovna Ne’matov Bakhodir Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-25 2024-11-25 18 1 FEATURES OF USING ACOGNITIVE APPROACH TO THE FORMATION OF LEXICAL SKILLS IN TEACHING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE IN SECONDARY SCHOOL <p><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>Active participation of students in the language learning process, understanding and attention to language phenomena, as well as an individual approach to each student, taking into account his cognitive characteristics and needs. features of using cognitive approaches in the formation of lexical skills in teaching foreign languages are described.</em></p> Suvanova Marjona Shamuradova Naima Mukhtarovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-25 2024-11-25 18 1 DUNYO TARJIMASHUNOSLIK TARIXIDAN <p><strong>Annotasiya</strong><strong>:</strong> <em>Ushbu maqola tarjimashunoslik tarixi toʻgʻrisida soʻz boradi. Shu bilan birga, soʻz tarjima qilish usullari haqida bayon qilinadi.</em></p> Sharipova Shahzoda Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-25 2024-11-25 18 1 THE IMPACT OF PLAY ON CHILDREN’S DEVELOPMENT <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> <em>This article explores the multifaceted role of play in shaping cognitive, emotional, social, and physical growth. It highlights how unstructured and structured play environments foster creativity, problem-solving skills, and resilience. Furthermore, the study examines the impact of play on brain development, emphasizing its role in forming neural connections and enhancing executive functions. Socially, play promotes communication, collaboration, and empathy, enabling children to navigate complex interpersonal relationships. The article also addresses the role of play in mitigating stress and supporting emotional well-being.</em></p> Akramova Shaxribonu Ixtiyor qizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-27 2024-11-27 18 1 BADIIY MATNDA XUSHMUOMALALIK IFODALOVCHI VOSITALAR <p><strong>Annotatsiya</strong><strong>:</strong> <em>Mazkur matnda badiiy asarlarda xushmuomalalikni ifodalashning grammatik vositalari tahlil qilinadi. Xushmuomalalikni ifodalashda leksik, morfologik, sintaktik, va grammatik vositalar qanday ishlatilishi, ularning muloqotdagi ta'siri, va madaniy kontekstdagi ahamiyati muhokama qilinadi.</em></p> Feruza Umurova Jo‘rayeva Yulduz Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-29 2024-11-29 18 1 THE ROLE OF IDIOMS ACQUISITION ON ENHANCING LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY LEVEL FOR EFL STUDENTS <p><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>For EFL students, mastering idioms is an important part of perfect foreign language learning. Idioms not only expand vocabulary, but also develop students' listening comprehension, oral and written communication skills. Their use in communication helps the student use the language more naturally and effectively. This article discusses the role of learning idioms.</em></p> Bakhriddinova Umida Ismatova Makhzuna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-29 2024-11-29 18 1 EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES IN TEACHING ENGLISH TENSES <p><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>English tenses are one of the major problem for Uzbek learners in learning English. Therefore an appropriate teaching different strategy to help the learners in understanding those English tenses is urgently needed.For that reason,this article purpose at introducing an modering strategy for teaching English tenses for adult learners.This innovative strategy integrates deductive and inductive approaches.This article starts with deductive approach and then will be followed by inductive approach.The deductive approach to appeal in order to make the learners remember the rules of English tenses,while the inductive approach is supervised to make the learners understand and able to utilize communicatively.</em></p> Murodova Ruxshona Farxodjon qizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-29 2024-11-29 18 1 THE IMPORTANCE OF USING DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM AND THE PROSPECTS OF IMPROVING THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM BY ENSURING THEIR COOPERATION <p><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>This article talks about the concept of digital technology, the importance of using digital technologies in the educational system, the reforms implemented by our state in this regard, and the prospects of ensuring cooperation between education and digital technologies. Also, relevant recommendations and conclusions are given on this topic.</em></p> Inoyatova Z.X Saidvaliyeva Rayhona Boydivali qizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-30 2024-11-30 18 1