
  • Sharipov Sayfuddin Raximovich “Toshkеnt Irrigatsiya Va Qishloq Xo‘Jaligini Mеxanizatsiyalash Muhandislari Instituti” Milliy Tadqiqot Univеrsitеti
  • Duysеnbayev Ramеtulla Raxatovich “Toshkеnt Irrigatsiya Va Qishloq Xo‘Jaligini Mеxanizatsiyalash Muhandislari Instituti” Milliy Tadqiqot Univеrsitеti 2 Kurs Magistranti


Kalit so‘zlar: ekologiya, yer va suv resurslari, qishloq xo‘jaligi, hudud, tuproq, almashlab ekish, yer tuzish, yer fondi, yerlardan samarali foydalanish.


Annotatsiya: Maqolada Qoraqalpog‘iston Respublikasi Qorao‘zak tumanidagi ekologik holati yomonlashgan hududlarda almashlab ekishni joriy qilish orqali yerlardan samarali foydalanishni tashkil etish hamda yechimlarni nisbiy baxolash masalalari keltirilgan.



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Sharipov S.R, Working projects for recultivation of disturbed lands. //Collection of articles of the international scientific - practical conference. T.: TIIAME, 28-November, P.198-203, (in Uzbek), (2018)

Avezboyev S.A., Sharipov S.R. “Determination of rational areas of irrigated plots in saline and subjected lands to irrigation erosion” "Construction Mechanics, Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering (CONMECHYDRO-2020)” SCOPUS, WEB OF SCIENCES 2020 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 883 012059

Sharipov S.R, The need for recultivation of disturbed lands and the role of land management in its implementation. // Agro Science -special number – [6]. P.94-95. (in Uzbek), (2019)

Sharipov S.R. The types of disturbed lands and the main directions of their reclamation. ECONSPEAK: A jounal of Advances in Management IT social Sciences, International Virtual conference on The ways of innovative approach on the Deployment of Science and Education // Vol.9, issue 5, May 2019.P.75.81 . www.skirec.org Email id: skirec.org@gmail.com

S.Sharipov, Ta’lim bеrish jarayonida nazariya va amaliyot birligini ta’minlash (pp. 1212-1217)http://scientificprogress.uz/storage/app/media/6-218.%201212-1217.pdf

С.Авезбаев, С.Р.Шарипов, Разработка проектов рекультивации земель с использованием гис технологий EURASIAN EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND INNOVATION (Journal) 5-2021.178-182.

С.Авезбаев, О.Соатов, С.Р.Шарипов, Ж.О.Садуллаев Актуальные вопросы организации рационального использования сельскохозяйственных земель в Узбекистане. Экономика и социум. Международний научно-практический журнал- №10.(101)2022


