Key words: Full inclusion, mainstreaming, resource-based models, co-teaching, Universal Design for Learning (UDL), educational classrooms, and students with special needs.Abstract
Annotation: As a way to guarantee fair access to education for all students, including those with learning difficulties, inclusive education has gained prominence in the last decades. This research paper looks at how well five basic inclusive education models support the academic and social-emotional development of children with learning disabilities covering full inclusion, mainstreaming, resource-based models, co-teaching, and Universal Design for Learning (UDL). The goal of the study is to ascertain whether these models can be shown to improve academic performance for students who have particular learning difficulties. This review investigates the theoretical and practical operationalization of these models in classroom settings, analyzing the ways in which educators apply pedagogical concepts to their instruction and synthesizes empirical evidence related to the impact of these models on key student outcomes, such as academic performance, social inclusion, and overall well-being.
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