"CANADA" INTERNATİONAL CONFERENCE ON DEVELOPMENTS İN EDUCATİON,SCİENCESAND HUMANİTİES2024-12-12T12:59:07-07:00Open Journal Systems<p>An international open conference that publishes original research and commentary articles in various fields. The main goal is to offer an intellectual platform for international scientists and to develop interdisciplinary research in the field of applied sciences.</p> TIZIMLARNING KONSEPTUAL ASOSLARI2024-09-12T02:22:53-06:00Asrorov Zafar Husniddin o’g’<p><strong>Annotatsiya: </strong><em>Ushbu maqolada davlat va jamyatning eng muhim institutsional tashkiloti bo’lgan siyosiy tizim unung tarkibiy elementlari, fundamental asoslari, hamda siyosiy tizimlar haqida bugungi kungacha shakillangan nazariyalar, paradigmalar haqida ma’lumotlar berilgan.</em></p>2024-09-11T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION AND THEIR EFFECTIVENESS FOR STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS2024-10-03T04:16:44-06:00Asilabonu Sobirova Aziz<p><strong>Annotation:</strong> <em>As a way to guarantee fair access to education for all students, including those with learning difficulties, inclusive education has gained prominence in the last decades. This research paper looks at how well five basic inclusive education models support the academic and social-emotional development of children with learning disabilities covering full inclusion, mainstreaming, resource-based models, co-teaching, and Universal Design for Learning (UDL). The goal of the study is to ascertain whether these models can be shown to improve academic performance for students who have particular learning difficulties. This review investigates the theoretical and practical operationalization of these models in classroom settings, analyzing the ways in which educators apply pedagogical concepts to their instruction and synthesizes empirical evidence related to the impact of these models on key student outcomes, such as academic performance, social inclusion, and overall well-being.</em></p>2024-10-02T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2024 TILLARIGA KIRISH: TARIXIY VA MADANIY KONTEKST2024-10-07T05:45:32-06:00Qalandarova Ro‘zaxon Fayzulla<p><strong>Annotatsiya: </strong><em>Roman-German tillari, ya'ni roman va german tillari, o'zaro bog'liq til oilalarini ifodalaydi va ular Evropaning ko'plab mamlakatlarida muhim rol o'ynaydi. Bu tillar, o'z tarixiy rivojlanishi va madaniy konteksti bilan bir qatorda, o'zaro aloqalari va ta'sirlaridan kelib chiqib, o'ziga xos xususiyatlarga ega. Ushbu maqolada, Roman-German tillarining tarixi, ularning o'zaro aloqalari va madaniy ahamiyati haqida batafsil ma'lumot beriladi.</em></p>2024-10-06T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2024 ERKINLIK: SHAXSIY VA MILLIY RIVOJLANISHNING KALITI2024-10-13T00:02:57-06:00Sitora Juraboeva Axroro<p><strong>Annotatsiya<em>: </em></strong><em>Moliyaviy erkinlik nafaqat iqtisodiy barqarorlikka erishish, balki shaxsiy farovonlik va milliy rivojlanish uchun muhim tushuncha hisoblanadi. Moliyaviy erkinlik har bir insonning va davlatning o‘z iqtisodiy resurslarini boshqarish, qarorlar qabul qilish, erkin savdo qilish va o‘z imkoniyatlarini maksimal darajada amalga oshirish huquqini anglatadi. Ushbu maqolada moliyaviy erkinlik tushunchasi, uning ahamiyati va rivojlanishiga qanday omillar ta’sir qilishi haqida so‘z yuritiladi.</em></p>2024-10-12T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2024 REALIYALARNI IFODOLOVCHI BIRLIKLAR2024-10-31T19:58:26-06:00Saidmurodova Nilufaryusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comTilovova<p><strong>Annotasiya: </strong><em>Ushbu maqola realiya haqida tushuncha va uning mohiyati, uning tilshunoslikda tutgan oʻrni, ochib berilgan. Shuningdek, asosan bu maqolada oʻzbek xalqining turmush tarzi, dunyoqarashi va madaniyati bilan aloqadorligi va ularning lugʻat boyligi aks ettirilgan.</em></p>2024-10-31T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2024 AND SPECIFIC NORMS OF POLITENESS IN UZBEK AND AMERICAN CULTURES2024-11-03T12:28:53-07:00Ne’matjonova<p><strong>Annotation:</strong> <em>This article dedicated to tell about what are exactly general and specific norms of politeness,what kind of definitions do they take,as well as provides with some examples of politeness norms in both cultures.What’s more captivating is that observations and findings of social norms in movies of both cultures.Moreover,here will be mentioned about several factors that why individuals should be informed with datas based on various kinds of politeness in variety of countries.</em></p>2024-11-03T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2024 TILIDA DIALEKTLAR VA ULARNING FARQLARI2024-11-04T06:09:42-07:00Raxmonqulova Feruza Akmal<p><strong>Annotatsiya:</strong> <em>Ingliz tili, dunyodagi eng keng tarqalgan tillardan biri bo'lib, turli mintaqalarda, madaniyatlarda va ijtimoiy kontekstlarda turlicha shakllarda namoyon bo'ladi. Dialektlar — bu tilning mintaqaviy yoki ijtimoiy guruhlar tomonidan o'ziga xos xususiyatlar bilan ifodalangan variantlaridir. Ushbu maqolada ingliz tilidagi dialektlarning asosiy turlari, ularning farqlari va ijtimoiy kontekstdagi ahamiyati muhokama qilinadi.</em></p>2024-11-03T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2024 AND IMPORTANCE OF ENGAGING THE YOUNGER GENERATION IN SPORTS2024-11-07T11:25:41-07:00Mamadiyarova Mohijahon Kamariddin<p><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>This article highlights the importance of engaging young people in sports to support their physical, mental, and social development. It discusses effective methods- such as school programs, community initiatives, and family involvement-to encourage participation, as well as the benefits of physical activity, including improved health, social skills, and self-discipline. By overcoming common barriers and fostering a positive sports culture, communities can help youth develop lifelong habits that promote well-being.</em></p>2024-11-06T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 ADABIYOT BILAN YENGISHNING SAMARALI USULLARI2024-11-14T05:01:00-07:00Ozodova Dinara Umidbek<p><strong>Annotatsiya: </strong><em>Ushbu maqolada hozirgi kunda insonlarda kuchayib borayotgan stress, g’amginlikni keltirib chiqaruvchi ayrim sabablar va ularni yo’qotish yo’lida adabiyotning tutadigan o’rni, muhimligi va foydasi haqida so’z boradi.</em></p>2024-11-13T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 TILIDA SO’ZLASHUVCHILAR KO’NIKMALARINI RIVOJLANTIRISHDA INTERAKTIV O’QUV USULLARIDAN FOYDALANISH2024-11-14T05:35:46-07:00Usmonova<p><strong>Annotatsiya:</strong> <em>Ushbu maqolada ingliz tilida gapirish koʻnikmalarini rivojlantirish uchun turli xil interaktiv oʻyinlardan foydalanish va undan olinadigan foydalar haqida soʻz boradi.</em></p>2024-11-13T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 SPORT TURI VA UNING AHAMIYATI2024-11-20T03:49:22-07:00Mirzayev Karim Mamarasul o‘g‘<p><strong>Annotatsiya: </strong><em>Sog‘lom turmush tarzini shakllantirishda sportning o‘rni va ahamiyatini muhim xususan gimnastika, yengil atletika va sport o‘yinlari (futbol, basketbol, voleybol, qo‘l to‘pi)ni o‘yin hamda mashqlar texnikasini o‘rgatishni takomillashtirish zarur bo‘lib, ta’lim jarayonida gimnastika, yengil atletika va sport o‘yinlari (jumladan, voleybol)ni o‘yin hamda mashqlar taktikasini o‘rgatishni takomillashtirish kerak, ayniqsa, sport o‘yinlaridan voleybol haqida dars jarayonida keng ma’lumotlar berib o‘rish hamda talaba yoshlarni ushbu sport o‘yiniga qiziqishini oshirish zarur deb o‘ylayman.</em></p>2024-11-19T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024’IY INTELLEKT. TA’LIMDA SUN’IY INTELLEKTDAN FOYDALANISH TEXNIKLALARI2024-11-26T18:47:42-07:00Dinara Ozodova Umidbek<p><strong>Annotatsiya:</strong> <em>Ushbu maqolada zamon talabi bilan rivojlanib borayotgan ta’lim tizimidagi o’zgarishlar haqida so’z boradi. Xususan, o’quv sistemasiga har tomonlama yordam berayotgan sun’iy intellekt va uning o’rni, muhimligi, ishlatilish odobi, foydalari bilan bir qatorda salbiy jihatlari to’g’risida ma’lumot beriladi.</em></p>2024-11-26T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF FORMATION OF THE METHODOLOGY FOR PLANNING AND ORGANIZING INTEGRATED<p><strong>Annotation:</strong> <em>The article methodically reveals the different aspects of integrated lessons from traditional ones, as well as the forms of planning and organizing integrated lessons. The types of integrated lessons, methods and stages of their organization are covered continuously.</em></p>2024-11-30T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 IMPACT OF DIGITAL MEDIA ON LANGUAGE EVOLUTION2024-12-01T07:35:28-07:00Axmedova Madinayusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comDiana Valeryevna<p><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>The expansion of digital media has markedly expedited the transformation of language, presenting new communicative modalities that contest conventional linguistic standards. This article investigates the ramifications of digital platforms—such as social media, messaging applications, and online communities—on linguistic evolution, emphasizing the emergence of novel lexicon, the utilization of abbreviations, and the amalgamation of visual and textual communication through emojis and memes. It further scrutinizes how digital communication fosters informal and succinct language styles, altering grammar, syntax, and discourse conventions. Additionally, the article considers the broader social and cultural implications of these transformations, including their impact on identity formation, generational language shifts, and the maintenance or decline of linguistic diversity. By examining the ways in which digital media are reshaping communication, this study offers insights into the continual evolution of language in the digital era.</em></p>2024-11-30T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 REPRESENTATION OF MIGRATION IN CONTEMPORARY WORLD LITERATURE2024-12-01T08:02:56-07:00Abduhamidova Gulshodayusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comDiana Valeryevna<p><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>Migration has shaped geopolitics, economics, culture, and literature. This study examines how varied authors reflect the multifaceted situations of migrants, refugees, and displaced people in modern world literature. A study of novels, short stories, and poetry shows how migration literature depicts the emotional, psychological, and social problems of crossing borders, both actual and metaphorical. As characters struggle between homes and abroad, these stories explore identity, belonging, exile, and cultural hybridity. The research examines how migration literature reviews global inequality, including racism, xenophobia, and citizenship politics. Contemporary migrant literature challenges popular narratives and offers alternate views on globalization, mobility, and human rights by voicing marginalized voices. This study concludes that literature may illuminate the human aspects of migration, revealing migrants' hardships and resilience in a globalized environment.</em></p>2024-11-30T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 KUN ZAMONAVIY HARBIY XIZMATCHISI IMIDJINING PSIXOLOGIK JIHATLARI (ILMIY-AMALIY TADQIQOT)2024-12-03T04:37:54-07:00Abdugʻaniyev Akobir Akmaljon oʻgʻ<p><strong>Annotatsiya:</strong> <em>Ushbu kichik tadqiqotda bugungi integratsiyalashayotgan zamonda xizmat olib borayotgan harbiy xizmatchilar imidjining psixologiyasi qanday bo’lishi lozimligi, ularning xususiyatlari, ish faoliyatida va munosabatlarga kirishish jarayonida psixologik imidjning o’rni va ahamiyati, normative-hujjatlar, shuningdek “tirik tarix” tomonidan so’zlanuvchi harbiy xizmatchi imidji psixikasi, “imidj” mavzusini qamrab olgan xalqaro e’tirof etilgan imidjmeyker, psixolog, harbiy psixologiya mutaxassislarning fikrlari umumlashmasi, ushbu ma’lumotlar orqali berilayotgan taklif, mulohaza va xulosalar haqida atroflicha yoritilgan. </em></p>2024-12-02T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 SAVDOSI BILAN BOG’LIQ JINOYATLARNING ETIMOLOGIK TAHLILI, OLDINI OLISHNING METODOLOGIK XUSUSIYATLARI VA NORMATIV HUJJATLARINING MAZMUN-MOHIYATI2024-12-03T04:51:26-07:00Abdugʻaniyev Akobir Akmaljon oʻgʻ<p><strong>Annotatsiya:</strong> <em>Ushbu maqolada odam savdosi va inson erkinligini cheklash bilan bog’liq jinoyatlar, odam savdosi jinoyatining turlari, ularning etimologiyasi, tarixiy ildizlari, ilmiy tadqiqotlar, ularda ilgari surilgan mulohazalar va takliflar, odam savdosi jinoyatining oldini olishning metodologik xususiyatlari, oldini olish bo’yicha bir qator takliflar, xalqaro hamjamiyat tomonidan e’tirof etilgan normativ-huquqiy hujjatlarning mazmun-mohiyati, ularning mavzu qamroviga mosligi, BMT va boshqa tashkilotlarning oshkora statistika ma’lumotlari va shu kabilar haqida yoritilgan. </em></p>2024-12-02T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024ТИЖОРАТ БАНКЛАРИДА МУАММОЛИ АКТИВЛАРНИ ҚИСҚАРТИРИШДАГИ МУАММОЛАР ВА УЛАРНИНГ ЕЧИМЛАРИ2024-12-06T08:01:25-07:00Митиллаев Иброхимжон Турсунпўлатович<p><strong>Аннотация: </strong><em>Мазкур мақолада банк молиявий ресурсларини самарали бошқаришда кредит портфелини юритишнинг ўрни, тижорат банклари кредит портфелининг ҳолати уларнинг активлар ликвидилигига таъсири кўриб чиқилган. Тадқиқот материал ва методларига кўра мавзу юзасидан бир қатор хорижий ҳамда мамлакатимизнинг иқтисодчи-олимлари томонидан берилган таърифлар ҳамда фикрлари ўрганилиб, муаллиф томонидан шарҳланиб уларнинг мазмуни очиб берилган. Шунингдек мақолада Ўзбекистон Республикаси тижорат банклари молиявий ресурсларини бошқариш бўйича норматив ҳуқуқий ҳужжат лойиҳасини ишлаб чиқишда, тижорат банкларида активларни бошқаришга қаратилган чора-тадбирлар дастурини ишлаб чиқиш борасида таклиф ва амалий тавсиялар берилган.</em></p>2024-12-05T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 PAPILLOMA VIRUS (HPV) DEVELOPMENT TREATMENT MEASURES2024-12-06T08:08:29-07:00Keldibekova Shahzoda Khahramon qiziyusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comAbdug'aniyeva Muslima Khamariddin qiziyusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comG'aybullayeva Ozoda Anvarjon<p><strong>Annotation</strong><strong>: </strong><em>of HPV-Induced Warts.HPV-induced warts vary in their appearance, shape, size, and location.External AppearanceShape: Warts can be simple, round, or flat.Size: Typically ranges between 1–10 mm but may exceed this size.Color: Usually resembles normal skin tone but can sometimes appear lighter or darker.Tissue Structure.Warts affect both the epidermis and dermis layers of the skin.Epidermis:Thickened Epidermis: The wart's surface appears elevated due to excessive cell growth.Keratinized Cells: The epidermal surface becomes dry and hard, acting as a protective barrier for the virus.Papillomatosis: Uneven thickening and enlargement of underlying epidermal layers.Dermis:The dermis contains blood vessels and connective tissues essential for the wart's nutrition and growth.Key Structural ComponentsPapillae: Projections formed from the interaction between the epidermis and dermis, triggered by HPV activity.Capillaries: Blood vessels within the dermis provide nutrients for the wart's development.Virus-Induced ModificationsHPV incorporates its DNA into the epidermal cells, causing abnormal cell division and leading to the growth of the wart.These structural changes reflect the virus's strategy to sustain its presence and replication within the host tissue.</em></p>2024-12-05T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 TA'LIMDA MOODLE PLATFORMASIDA OLIB BORILADIGAN MUSTAQIL TA'LIM MASHG'ULOTLARINING TALABALAR BILIM VA KO'NIKMALARINI OSHIRISHDAGI AHAMIYATI2024-12-06T09:02:21-07:00Jo'rayeva Nasiba G'anisher qiziyusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comBuranova Dilnoza<p><strong>Annotatsiya:</strong> <em>Ushbu ilmiy maqola oliy ta'limda Moodle platformasida olib boriladigan mustaqil ta'lim mashg'ulotlarining talabalar bilim va ko'nikmalarini oshirishdagi ahamiyatini tahlil qiladi. Maqolada Moodle platformasining ta'lim jarayoniga kiritgan yangiliklari, uning talabalarga taqdim etadigan imkoniyatlari va ularning o'z-o'zini rivojlantirishdagi roli ko'rib chiqiladi. Moodle platformasi yordamida talabalar mustaqil o'qish, testlar orqali o'z bilimlarini sinab ko'rish, forumlarda muhokama qilish va turli topshiriqlarni bajarish orqali o'z ko'nikmalarini rivojlantiradilar. Maqolada chet el tajribasi asosida Moodle platformasining samarali ishlatilishi va uning global ta'lim tizimidagi o'rni ham tahlil etilgan. Yozilgan maqola, Moodle platformasining ta'lim sohasidagi ahamiyatini yanada chuqurlashtirish va uning potentsialidan to'liq foydalanish yo'llarini ko'rsatishga qaratilgan.</em></p>2024-12-05T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 ROLE OF INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION IN SHAPING GLOBAL LITERATURE2024-12-06T23:36:09-07:00Abduraximova Aziza Abduvaqqos qiziyusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comDiana Valeryevna<p><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>Intercultural communication plays a transformative role in shaping global literature by facilitating the exchange of ideas, values, and narratives across cultural boundaries. This process enriches literary traditions, fosters mutual understanding, and challenges cultural stereotypes. As globalization accelerates, literature increasingly serves as a medium for dialogue between diverse cultures, reflecting shared human experiences while preserving unique cultural identities. This paper explores how intercultural communication influences global literature, examining its impact on narrative forms, thematic diversity, and the evolution of literary traditions.</em></p>2024-12-06T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024ЖЕНЩИНЫ-ГЕНЕРАЛЬНЫЕ ДИРЕКТОРА И ИХ ВЛИЯНИЕ НА РАСШИРЕНИЕ ПРАВ И ВОЗМОЖНОСТЕЙ ЖЕНЩИН В СТРАНАХ ЦЕНТРАЛЬНОЙ АЗИИ. РЕГРЕССИОННЫЙ АНАЛИЗ ОТНОШЕНИЯ ЖЕНЩИН-РУКОВОДИТЕЛЕЙ К ЗАНЯТОСТИ ЖЕНЩИН В ЦЕНТРАЛЬНОЙ АСАИ НА ОСНОВЕ ОПРОСА ВСЕМИРНОГО БАНКА ПО ПРЕДПРИЯТИЯМ2024-12-10T02:59:09-07:00Азизов Аббосхан<p><strong>Аннотация</strong><strong>: </strong><em>В данной статье рассматривается влияние женщин-руководителей, характеристик фирм, инноваций и иностранной собственности на результаты бизнеса в четырех странах Центральной Азии: Узбекистане, Таджикистане, Кыргызской Республике и Казахстане. Используя регрессионный анализ, исследование показало, что женское лидерство последовательно связано с положительным и статистически значимым воздействием на результативность деятельности фирмы во всех странах, подчеркивая преимущества гендерного разнообразия в высшем руководстве. Возраст фирмы не оказал существенного влияния, что говорит о том, что адаптивность и инновации имеют большее значение для успеха. В то время как инновации не имели прямого влияния, иностранная собственность стала ключевым фактором, положительно способствующим росту и эффективности фирмы. Результаты исследования предполагают несколько политических последствий, включая поощрение женского лидерства посредством гендерных квот и наставничества, поддержку малых и средних предприятий (МСП) и улучшение инвестиционного климата для привлечения прямых иностранных инвестиций (ПИИ). Рекомендуется проведение дальнейших исследований с целью изучения механизмов, с помощью которых женщины-генеральные директора влияют на результаты деятельности компаний, и того, как компании в этих странах могут лучше интегрировать инновации в свои стратегии.</em></p>2024-12-09T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 TA’LIMNI JORIY ETISHDAGI MUAMMO VA KAMCHILIKLAR: TENG TA’LIM IMKONIYATLARIGA TO‘SIQLARNI BARTARAF ETISH2024-12-12T12:59:07-07:00Mashrabov O‘rinboy Davronboy o‘g‘<p><strong>Annotatsiya: </strong><em>Ushbu maqolada biz inklyuziv ta'limni amalga oshirishda duch keladigan asosiy muammolarni ko'rib chiqamiz va ushbu to'siqlarni bartaraf etish bo'yicha potentsial strategiyalarni muhokama qilamiz. Asosan erishiladigan natijalar haqida so'z yuritamiz.</em></p>2024-12-11T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024