
  • Ostonova Gulruh Sodikovna Bukhara State Medical Institute
  • Mirzoeva Mehriniso Rizoyevna Bukhara State Medical Institute


Key words: Yersinia enterokolitica, sick animals with yeriniosis.


Summary: Yersiniosis is a disease caused by several types of enteropathogenic Yersinia. They have an alimentary route of infection, clinically manifested by CNS intoxication, dyspepsia, tonsillitis, lymphadenopathy, rash, organ lesions in various organs. The survey data, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of 120 children aged 6 months to 14 years with acute diarrheal disease, were analyzed between 2021 and 2023, while they constituted the main study group, 40 children were examined for the control groups. All children under observation underwent extensive continuous examination, which included clinical and laboratory, biochemical, virological and immunological studies. In this regard, the emphasis was placed on their complaints, previous and concomitant diseases, the causes of the disease, the duration of the disease, the results of diagnostic and early treatment measures.



Mirzoeva M.R., Ostonova G.S. Epidemiology, clinic, diagnosis of yersiniosis//International scientific and educational electronic journal "EDUCATION AND SCIENCE IN THE XXI CENTURY". #17 (vol. 3) (August, 2021). -C 679-681.

Mirzoeva M.R., Ostonova G.S. In the modern classification, the place of intestinal yersiniosis.// Innovative Technologica Methodical Research Journal. Vol. 2 no. 09 (2021).- From 8-12.

Mirzoeva M.R., Ostonova G.S. Сlinical and laboratory characteristics of yersinia infection// modern scientific challenges and trends: a collection of scientific works of the International scientific conference (7-9 March, 2022) .-С 60-63.

Mirzoeva M.R., Ostonova G.S. New views on methods for diagnosing yersiniosis// Scientific progress scientific journal volume #2, issue #4, (August 2021)/ -С-468-475

Mirzoeva M.R., Ostonova G.S. The advancement of nonspecific prophylaxis and therapy pseudotuberculosis and intestinal yersiniosis// Web of scientist international scientific research journal . (Volume 2, Issue 9, Sep., 2021.-C 40-46.

Mirzoeva M.R. Ostonova G.S. Prevalence, clinical signs and diagnostic methods of yersiniosis.//Infection, Immunity and pharmacology. Part 2 No. 3 / 2022 .-С218-223.

Mirzoeva M.R., Khamidova N.K., Ostonova G.S. Clinical and epidemiological aspects of hymenolepidosis among children // Tibbiyotda yangi kun.1(33)2021.January-March.-С-300-305

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