
  • Umurbaev Rustam Shakirjanovich 4th-year student of Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies Tashkent city


Key words: International stakeholders, democratic, cooperative, organisation, prioritizing, stability.


Abstract: Political transitions in Ethiopia and Sudan offered the promise of more democratic, civilian-led government and increased regional stability in the Horn of Africa. But contestation between old and new political forces has disrupted both transitions since 2020.



See Crisis Group Africa Report № 281, Safeguarding Sudan’s Revolution, 21 October 2019.

See Crisis Group Africa Briefing № 171, Ethiopia’s Tigray War: A Deadly, Dangerous Stalemate, 2 April 2021.

Crisis Group telephone interviews, regional and Western diplomats, February and March 2021.

One such observer is Horn of Africa scholar Harry Verhoeven, who made comments to this effect in a Crisis Group podcast. «What Eritrea Wants», The Horn podcast, International Crisis Group.

Another is Annette Weber, senior fellow at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, who advanced a similar analysis in a later episode, April 2021. «What’s Driving Sudan and Ethiopia Apart?», The Horn podcast, International Crisis Group, 12 May 2021.

«Premier says 2nd filling of GERD ensures benefits in reducing floods in Sudan», Fana Broadcasting Corporation, 18 April 2021. Ethiopia first filled the GERD in June and July 2020.

Crisis Group Statement, «Nile Dam Talks: A Short Window to Embrace Compromise», 17 June 2020.


