"GERMANY" MODERN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH: ACHIEVEMENTS, INNOVATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS2025-03-14T00:50:10-06:00Open Journal Systems<p>An international open conference featuring original research and commentary articles in a variety of media. The main goal is to offer an intelligent combination for international scientific and advanced interdisciplinary research in the field of applied sciences.</p>“O‘ZBEKISTON – 2030” STRATEGIYASINI AMALGA OSHIRISHNING SIYOSIY MEXANIZMLARI2024-09-12T03:21:30-06:00Asrorov Zafar Husniddin o’g’<p><strong>Annotatsiya: </strong><em>Ushbu maqolada konstitutsiyaviy-huquqiy islohotlarning yangi bosqichga olib chiqilganligi, “O‘zbekiston – 2030” strategiyasida nazarda tutilgan vazifalarning dolzarbligi, belgilangan ustvor maqsadlarning ijro etish mexanizmlari to‘g‘risida so‘z boradi.</em></p>2024-09-11T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2024 METHODS AND PEDAGOGICAL APPROACHES IN ENGLISH2024-10-07T05:20:44-06:00Ruzmetova Shahodat<p><strong>Abstract:</strong><em> This article examines various teaching methods and pedagogical approaches in English language education, including traditional methods like Grammar-Translation and Direct Methods, as well as contemporary strategies such as Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT), and Content-Based Instruction (CBI). It highlights the role of blended learning and technology in enhancing student engagement and addresses the need for differentiated instruction to meet diverse learner needs. The analysis emphasizes the importance of adopting varied teaching strategies to foster effective language acquisition and communicative competence among English language learners.</em></p>2024-10-06T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2024 IJTIMOIY FAOLLIKNI RIVOJLANTIRISHNING PSIXOLOGIK XUSUSIYATLARI2024-10-09T04:57:48-06:00Ergasheva Surayyo Faxriddin<p><strong>Annotatsiya: </strong><em>Ushbu maqola talaba shaxsida ijtimoiy faollikni shakllantirishda muhim sanaladigan omillar va mezonlar haqida so‘z yuritadi. Shuning barobarida o‘quvchi bu maqoladan «ijtimoy faoliyat» tushunchasining bugungi kunda talqin qilinayotgan ma’nolari to‘g‘risida, uning ahamiyati borasidagi qarashlarni; talaba yoshlarning ijtimoiy faolligini shakllantirish bugun nechog‘lik zaruratga aylanayotgani hamda uning sabablarini tahlil qiladi. Bu maqoladan pedagogika va psixologiya sohasining vakillari, soha bo‘yicha ta’lim olayotgan talaba va magistrlar ham erkin izlanuvchilar foydalanishi mumkin. </em></p>2024-10-08T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2024 VA KOSHI TEOREMASINI NATIJALARI VA AMALYOTDA TADBIQLARI2024-10-09T05:06:51-06:00Muhammadieva Maftuna Akbar<p><strong>Annotatsiya: </strong><em>Ushbu maqolada </em><em>Lagranj va Koshi teoremasini natijalari va amalyotda tadbiqlari</em><em> haqida qisqacha mulohaza yuritilgan. </em><em>Lagranj teoremasi natijalari keltirilgan.</em> <em>Koshi teoremasini doir misolarni tadbiqi ko`rsatilgan.</em></p>2024-10-08T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2024 KETMA-KETLIKLAR VA ULARNING LIMITI2024-10-09T05:18:18-06:00Muhammadieva Maftuna Akbar qiziyusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comAhmadullayeva Sabina<p><strong>Annotatsiya: </strong><em>Ushbu maqolada <strong>monoton ketma-ketliklar va ularning limiti </strong>haqida qisqacha mulohaza yuritilgan. <strong>Monoton</strong></em><em> ketma –ketliklarning limiti haqidagi teoremalarni keltirilgan.</em><strong><em> Monoton</em></strong><em> ketma –ketliklarga doir misolarni tadbiqi ko`rsatilgan.</em></p>2024-10-08T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2024 TASAVVUF TA’LIMOTIGA OID ILK ILMIY TADQIQOTLARNING FALSAFIY TAHLILI2024-10-09T05:34:48-06:00Sobirova Asilabonu Aziz<p>Amerikadagi tasavvuf ta’limotining global ahamiyati shundaki, u so‘fiylik yo‘nalishining kelib chiqishidan tashqari turli etnik va diniy guruhlar orasida tasavvufiy harakatlarning ommalashtirilishi bilan bog‘liqdir. Tasavvuf ta’limoti Amerikada islom diniy madaniyatining integratsiyasi va uni tahlil qilishda muhim rol o‘ynaydi.</p>2024-10-08T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2024 RAQSLARNING SHAKLLANISHI XXI ASRLARDA2024-10-09T12:37:54-06:00Boboqulova Dilnozayusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comAbdujabborova Roʻzioy Sharofiddin qiziyusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comNazarova Dinara Baxtiyor<p><strong>Annotatsiya: </strong><em>XXI asr klassik raqs san'atida yangi texnologiyalar, global madaniy oqimlar va zamonaviy xoreografiya orqali boyitilgan davr hisoblanadi. Klassik raqs, xususan balet, tarixiy ildizlari va texnik uslublarini saqlab qolgan holda, zamonaviy tendensiyalar bilan uyg‘unlashgan. Bu davrda klassik raqs ko‘proq xalqaro miqyosda ommalashib, ijrochilik texnikalari va sahna san’atining yangi imkoniyatlari bilan boyitildi. XXI asr klassik raqslari texnologik yutuqlar va yangi xoreografik uslublar orqali yangi bosqichga ko‘tarildi.</em></p>2024-10-08T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2024 VA SIYOSAT: O‘ZARO BOG‘LIQLIK VA TA’SIRCHANLIK2024-10-12T23:55:04-06:00Sitora Juraboeva Axroro<p><strong>Annotatsiya<em>: </em></strong><em>Iqtisodiyot va siyosat — jamiyatning rivojlanishi va barqarorligida muhim rol o‘ynaydigan ikki asosiy soha hisoblanadi. Bu ikki soha o‘rtasidagi bog‘liqlik va o‘zaro ta’sirchanlik barcha mamlakatlar va davlatlarda kuzatiladi. Siyosiy qarorlar iqtisodiy siyosatni shakllantiradi, iqtisodiy holat esa davlatning siyosiy tizimiga ta’sir qiladi. Shu sababli, iqtisodiyot va siyosat bir-birini to‘ldiruvchi va o‘zaro ta’sir ko‘rsatuvchi sohalar sifatida ahamiyatga ega.</em></p>2024-10-12T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2024 ROLES OF EXCLUSION QUALIFIERS IN DIFFERENT CONTEXTS LINKING THEIR SYNTACTIC STRUCTURE TO THEIR COMMUNICATIVE FUNCTION2024-10-13T05:45:53-06:00Nilufar Mirzaholova<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> <em>Exclusion qualifiers are linguistic tools that limit or modify the scope of a statement, allowing speakers or writers to exclude certain aspects without outright falsification. This study explores the use of exclusion qualifiers in different contexts, including everyday conversation, academic writing, and legal discourse. Through syntactic analysis, the research examines how these qualifiers function and their effect on meaning, clarity, and interpretation. Findings suggest that exclusion qualifiers are used strategically to withhold information, generalize claims, and create ambiguity in varying contexts.</em></p>2024-10-12T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2024 XORIJIY TIL O‘QITUVCHILARINING ONLAYN KURSLARDAGI PEDAGOGIK AMALIYOTLARI, O‘ZGARISHI VA KASBIY O‘SISHINI TAKOMILLASHTIRISH NAZARIYASI VA METODIKASI2024-10-13T10:18:12-06:00Nurtayeva<p>Bugungi kunda ta'lim texnologiyalarining jadal rivojlanishi bo‘lajak xorijiy til o‘qituvchilarining kasbiy o‘sishi va malaka oshirishiga sezilarli ta'sir ko‘rsatmoqda. Ayniqsa, onlayn ta'lim va masofaviy pedagogik amaliyotlar yangi imkoniyatlar yaratib, o‘quv jarayonining yanada samarali va moslashuvchan bo‘lishini ta'minlaydi. Bu jarayonda xorijiy til va adabiyoti bakalavr mutaxassisligi talabalarining o‘zgaruvchan talablar va yangi pedagogik metodologiyalarni o‘zlashtirishiga alohida e'tibor qaratiladi. Quyida bu jarayonning nazariy va metodik jihatlari yoritiladi.</p>2024-10-12T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2024 IMPORTANCE OF MODERN PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES IN THE SYSTEM OF TEACHING MUSIC STUDENTS2024-10-14T20:00:23-06:00Tatyana<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> <em>Music-theoretical disciplines are the basis of professional training of music students of all specialties, which determines the relevance of studying the content of professional training of a specialist. The article substantiates the role of modern pedagogical technologies in teaching the course of analysis of musical works in higher school, focused on the formation of practical skills. The professionalization of the content of independent work and its organization in the process of teaching this discipline is considered. The importance of mastering the analysis of musical works in the formation of a specialist, the formation of his professional competence, preparation for the competent performance of their professional functions is emphasized.</em></p>2024-10-14T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2024РАЗВИТИЕ КВАНТОВЫХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ: БУДУЩЕЕ НАУКИ И ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ2024-10-16T10:07:30-06:00Токторбек кызы Нуржанатyusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comМаматова Венера Токтобаевна<p><strong>Аннотация</strong><strong>:</strong> <em>Статья посвящена исследованию квантовых технологий, которые становятся важнейшим направлением научного прогресса в XXI веке. В работе рассмотрены основные направления развития квантовых технологий, включая квантовые вычисления, квантовую криптографию, квантовые сенсоры и квантовые сети. Особое внимание уделяется их потенциалу для решения сложных задач, которые недоступны классическим системам, а также обсуждаются вызовы, стоящие на пути их масштабного внедрения. Квантовые технологии обещают революционные изменения в таких сферах, как кибербезопасность, медицина, обработка больших данных и телекоммуникации. В статье также акцентируется важность международного сотрудничества для преодоления технических барьеров и создания глобальных квантовых сетей.</em></p>2024-10-15T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2024 BOLAMNI URMAYMAN, RUHAN EZMAYMAN2024-11-03T12:21:50-07:00Ne’matjonova Ruxshona Jasurbek<p>"Qalbga berilgan ozordan ko'ra ,unga sanchilgan haqiqiy pichoq yaxshi."</p> <p>Inson hayotda nechchi yil yashasada u umri davomida xato qilishdan to'xtamaydi,garchi undan qo'chsada baribir o'zi bilmagan holatda yana shu devorlarga boshi uriladi. Ammo insoniyatning eng katta qilmasligi ya'ni qaytarmasligi kerak bo'lgan xatosi esa ota-onasi unga qilgan xatolaridir!</p>2024-11-03T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2024 PROVERBS IN WRITING2024-11-05T04:09:20-07:00Erkinova Nilufar Sobirovnayusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comZubaydova Nilufar Ne’<p><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>This article explores the powerful role of proverbs in writing, emphasizing their cultural significance, linguistic richness, and impact on reader engagement. Proverbs, often referred to as the "wisdom of the ages," encapsulate universal truths in concise, memorable phrases, making them effective tools for enhancing writing. By drawing from the collective knowledge and experiences of various cultures, writers can add depth, relatability, and emotional resonance to their work. The article examines the origins of proverbs, their various types, and practical ways to incorporate them into different forms of writing, such as academic essays, creative stories, and persuasive texts. The use of proverbs not only strengthens the connection between writer and reader but also contributes to a more colorful and expressive language style.</em></p>2024-11-04T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 AND ITS BENEFITS2024-11-06T03:41:06-07:00Nilufar Abdurasulovayusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comLiliya<p><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the benefits of multilingualism. Multilingualism, that is, the ability of a person to know and use several languages, is important in today's era of globalization. The article highlights the positive effects of multilingualism in areas such as cognitive development, social connections, career opportunities, cultural understanding, travel and tourism, learning ability, emotional intelligence, and creativity. Every language enriches personal and professional life by opening up new opportunities and experiences. Thus, it is emphasized that the promotion and development of multilingualism is beneficial for everyone.</em></p>2024-11-05T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024‘L MEHNATI VOSITASIDA MAKTABGACHA YOSHDAGI BOLALAR QO‘L BARMOQLARI VA BILAKNING HARAKATCHANLIGINI RIVOJLANTIRISH2024-11-06T03:54:05-07:00Normamatova Nigina Alisher<p><strong>Annotatsiya: </strong><em>Ushbu maqolada mavzuning dolzarbligi, maqsad va vazifalari, predmeti, obyekti, metodlari asoslab beriladi.</em> <em>M</em><em>uammoning psixofiziologik va lingvistik asoslari, </em><em>maktabgacha tarbiya yoshidagi nutqida nuqsoni bo‘lgan bolalarning barmoqlar va bilak harakatchanligini tekshirish maqsadida turli topshiriqlar berildi.</em></p>2024-11-05T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF TEACHING ENGLISH TO PRESCHOOL CHILDREN2024-11-07T11:51:54-07:00Mokhichekhra Anorboyevayusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comLiliya<p><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>This article shows modern methods of teaching English to preschool children as the current world language is becoming English. So learning English should be started from preschool age.</em></p>2024-11-06T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 ROLE OF TEACHING METHODS IN THE LEARNING PROCESS2024-11-07T12:00:43-07:00Xurramova Sevinch Baxtiyor qiziyusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comZubaydova<p><strong>Annotation: </strong><em>This essay explores the significant role that diverse teaching methods play in enhancing student engagement, fostering critical thinking, and promoting inclusivity in the classroom. It discusses traditional approaches, such as lecture-based teaching, alongside modern strategies like collaborative, projectbased, inquiry-based, and blended learning. The essay emphasizes the need for educators to adapt their methods based on educational goals, subject matter, and student demographics. It also addresses the challenges teachers face, including limited resources, classroom management, and pressures from standardized testing. Ultimately, the essay advocates for a balanced approach to teaching methods to support a well-rounded and effective learning experience for students in a rapidly evolving educational landscape.</em></p>2024-11-07T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 ROLE OF LITERATURE IN SHAPING THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE2024-11-07T12:30:41-07:00Dilnura Hafizovayusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comLiliya<p><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>The English language has undergone remarkable transformations over its history, much of which can be attributed to the influence of literature. Through poems, plays, novels, and essays, writers have shaped English vocabulary, syntax, and style, mirroring cultural changes and pushing linguistic boundaries. Literature has continually acted as both a preserver of historical language and a dynamic force for linguistic innovation, making English one of the world’s most flexible and expressive languages today.</em></p>2024-11-07T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF DATA FROM THE REGINA KITG STATION LOCATED IN UZBEKISTAN2024-11-08T03:56:54-07:00Eshkuvatov H.Eyusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comRuziev Z.Jyusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comKosbergenov E.Jyusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comSharipov S.Syusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comXudoynazarov O.Vyusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comMamadaliyeva<p>The REGINA Project is a collaboration between CNES and IGN set up in 2012. The REGINA infrastructure is based on a global network of more than 30 GNSS stations (<a href="">see list of stations</a> in Fig.1), equipped with receivers capable of acquiring signals from current and future navigation systems (in particular GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, BEIDOU and various SBAS) and provide real-time (RT) and non-real time (DT) data streams [1].</p>2024-11-07T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 VA SIFATINING O‘XSHASH HAMDA FARQLI JIHATLARI2024-11-08T04:28:05-07:00Shodiyeva Umida Ro’zimurod<p><strong>Annotatsiya: </strong><em>O’zbek tilida so’z turkumlari,jumladan ravish va sifatning o’xshash shu bilan birga farqli jihatlarini o’rganish. Ikkala so’z turkumini yasalish tartibi,darajalanishi,gapda qaysi vazifani bajarishini tahlillash. Yasama va tub ekanligini aniqlashtirish. Nazariy misollar orqali isbotlash.</em></p>2024-11-06T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 SOCIALIZATION OF THE INDIVIDUAL AND LEGAL CULTURE IN MODERN CIVIL SOCIETY2024-11-08T23:32:42-07:00Nuriddinov<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> <em>This article provides a philosophical analysis of the content, factors, mechanisms and tools of legal socialization of the individual in the formation of modern civil society. The author delves into the dialectical relationship between legal consciousness and legal culture in the process of legal socialization, the problems of formation of legal consciousness and legal culture and their role in the system of legal socialization. </em></p>2024-11-08T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 WAY OF DEVELOPING LISTENING SKILLS FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSE2024-11-11T03:08:23-07:00Raximqulova Malika Sherzod qiziyusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comTeshaboyeva Nafisa Zubaydulla<p><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>Everyone knows that listening is one of the main skills in learning language, and also in recent day we have so many questions about developing listening skill. In this article I want to clarify this problem with some scientists views.</em></p>2024-11-10T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 IMMUN TANQISLIGI SINDROMI2024-11-11T10:19:53-07:00Po’latjonova Himoyatxonyusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comAbdupattoyeva Rasulayusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comYusufova Shaxloyusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comYo’ldasheva<p><strong>Annatatsiya: </strong><em>Ushbu maqolada 21-asr vabosi hisoblanmish Oits kasalligi kelib chiqish sabablari shuningdek da’vo choralari haqida ma’lumot berilgan.</em></p>2024-11-10T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 CONTROL AND TRANSITIVITY IN MODERN ENGLISH2024-11-13T11:53:22-07:00Nizamova Regina<p><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>The study of prepositional combinations in terms of secondary members of the sentence does not contribute to identifying the adequate linguistic nature of the units behind these combinations. Prepositional combinations are heterogeneous material that requires a differentiated approach. In recent years, an opinion has appeared that transitivity is a lexical property of a lexeme, with which the ability to control is associated. Consideration of the concepts of control in terms of transitivity in terms of vocabulary allows us to subject English verbs that form lexical constructions based on prepositional control to a system analysis.</em></p>2024-11-12T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 INSPEKTORLARINING OILA TURMUSH DOIRASIDAGI HUQUQBUZARLIKLARNI SODIR ETGAN SHAXSLARNING YAKKA TARTIBDAGI PRAFILAKTIKA CHORA-TADBIRLARINI TAKOMILLASHTIRISH2024-11-13T12:07:28-07:00Soliboyev Dilmurod Nurmurod o‘g‘<p><strong>Annotatsiya:</strong><em> Mazkur maqolada, oila turmush doirasidagi huquqbuzarliklarni oldini olishda profilaktika inspektorlarining olib borayotgan yakka tartibdagi profilaktika chora-tadbirlarining samaradorligi va ularni takomillashtirish yo‘llari tahlil qilingan. Oila ichidagi huquqbuzarliklar, xususan, zo‘ravonlik va inson huquqlarini buzish holatlari jamiyat xavfsizligi uchun katta tahdid tug‘diradi. Maqolada profilaktika inspektorlarining oila doirasidagi huquqbuzarliklarni sodir etgan shaxslar bilan yakka tartibdagi suhbatlar, reabilitatsiya, psixologik yordam, oilaviy maslahatlar va huquqiy ta’lim berish kabi chora-tadbirlar orqali huquqbuzarliklarning oldini olishga qaratilgan faoliyati ko‘rib chiqilgan. Shuningdek, chora-tadbirlarning samaradorligini oshirish uchun monitoring va nazorat o‘rnatish, oila muhitini yaxshilash va ijtimoiy xizmatlar bilan hamkorlik qilish kabi yondoshuvlar tahlil qilingan. Maqola oila ichidagi huquqbuzarliklarning oldini olishda profilaktika inspektorlarining muhim rolini va ularning faoliyatini yanada takomillashtirish zaruratini ko‘rsatib beradi.</em></p>2024-11-13T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 LOYIHALARINI BOSHQARISHNING INNOVATSION YONDASHUVLARI: NAZARIYADAN AMALIYOTGA2024-11-15T05:22:27-07:00Jumanazarov Zoxidjon Zokir o’g’<p>Globallashuv va jadal texnologik taraqqiyot sharoitida investitsiya loyihalarini boshqarish sezilarli o'zgarishlarga duch kelmoqda. Katta ma'lumotlarni raqamlashtirish va tahlil qilishni o'z ichiga olgan innovatsion yondashuvlar samaradorlikni oshirish va investitsiyalarni boshqarishda barqaror o'sishga erishish uchun yangi yo'llarni ochadi. Bunday yondashuvlar nafaqat qabul qilingan qarorlarning aniqligini oshirishga, balki bozorni chuqurroq tushunishga va raqobatbardoshlikni oshirishga yordam beradi. Ushbu mavzuni o'rganishning dolzarbligi axborot texnologiyalarining jadal rivojlanishi va investitsiyalarni boshqarishning an'anaviy jarayonlariga yangi usullarni kiritish zarurati bilan bog'liq.</p>2024-11-14T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 ROLE OF ENGLISH IN TODAY'S GLOBAL LANDSCAPE2024-11-15T05:36:19-07:00To'lqinjonova Mohlaroyim Sharifjon qiziyusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comSoliyeva Zarina<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> <em>This article highlights the expanding role of English in today's global landscape. English plays a central role, having spread to every corner of the world and influencing various fields such as science, business, and education. As globalization accelerates, the importance of English grows, coexisting with many other languages. This expansion is largely driven by the fact that essential information is often available only in English. Moreover, English facilitates international communication and cooperation between nations, scientists, and historians. This article aims to explore the factors contributing to the rising prominence of English in the modern world.</em></p>2024-11-14T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF CREATIVITY AND CRITICAL THINKING IN EDUCATION2024-11-15T05:50:59-07:00Olimboyeva<p><strong>Abstract</strong><strong>:</strong> <em>Critical thinking is a particular type of thinking that draws conclusions by analyzing facts. This concept is complex and has various definitions, including rationality, skepticism, objective analysis, and fact-checking. Critical thinking is a form of thinking that is self-directed, self-disciplined, self-monitored, and self-correcting. This article discusses critical thinking and creativity and its role in education.</em></p>2024-11-14T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 WAYS TO DEVELOP SPEECH IN A CHILD2024-11-18T03:50:36-07:00Kazakova Ruxshona Tohirovnayusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comShomuradova Naima<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> <em>Every person has his own speech and communication, a person's speech is formed since childhood, a person's speech is a means of connecting him with society and people in it, and a person can communicate with others through his speech and communication with others. z can have position and position. Therefore, everyone should have the ability to speak and communicate with people.</em></p>2024-11-17T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 WAYS OF TEACHING ENGLISH GRAMMAR2024-11-19T05:55:23-07:00Lapasova Zarifa Oybek qiziyusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comShamurodova Naima<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> <em>Grammar is the backbone of any language, and its teaching has always been a core component of language instruction. Despite its importance, grammar teaching can often be viewed as challenging or even tedious by both teachers and learners. This article focuses on effective methods for teaching English grammar, emphasizing practical and innovative strategies that cater to modern learners. By addressing common challenges and proposing engaging techniques, this article aims to improve grammar teaching outcomes in classrooms.</em></p>2024-11-18T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF RATIONALIZATION OF DENOMINATORS OF POLYNOMIALS WITH IRRATIONAL ROOTS: APPLICATION OF SYLVESTER MATRIX AND RESULTANT2024-11-19T06:03:05-07:00Manasova<p><strong>Annotation:</strong> <em>This study explores advanced techniques for rationalizing polynomial denominators with irrational roots through the application of Sylvester matrices and resultants. The proposed methods aim to simplify complex mathematical expressions, contributing to improved computational precision in diverse fields such as physics, engineering, and theoretical computer science.</em></p>2024-11-18T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 TEXNOLOGIYALAR2024-11-21T04:56:41-07:00Begmamatova Zaynabbonu Ilhom<p><strong>Annotasiya:</strong> <em>Ushbu maqolada Oliy o'quv yurtlari Fizika, kimyo isxtisosligi yo’nalishlarida talabalarda mikroolam, nanoolam, nanoo’lcham, nanotexnologiya tushunchalarini shakllanttirish, o'qitishda boshlang’ich tushunchalarni berish usullari, mavjud muammolar va ularni bosqichma-bosqich yechish bo'yicha takliflar va mulohazalar keltirilgan.</em></p>2024-11-20T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 FOUNDATIONS AND PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS OF BÉZOUT’S THEOREM IN ALGEBRA AND PARAMETRIC POLYNOMIAL ANALYSIS2024-11-22T02:20:11-07:00Usmonova<p><strong>Annotation: </strong><em>This thesis explores Bézout’s theorem, which connects polynomial division and root identification, emphasizing its theoretical foundations and historical significance through François Bézout’s contributions. Practical examples demonstrate the theorem’s applications in solving equations, analyzing parametric polynomials, and optimizing parameters in research. The relevance of Bézout’s theorem is highlighted in modern studies of algebraic structures and its applications in science and engineering.</em></p>2024-11-21T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 GAZLARNING ATROF-MUHITGA TA’SIRI2024-11-25T12:17:25-07:00Yuldasheva Nozima Dilshod<p><strong>Annotatsiya:</strong> <em>Ushbu maqolada atmosfera havosini turli zavod va fabrikalardan chiqayotgan zaharli gazlar, og‟ir metall qoldiqlarini atmosfera va azon qatlamiga bevosita tasiri. Respublikamiz hududidagi zavod va fabrikalarning atmosferamizga chiqarayotgan zararlari gazlar va ularni bartaraf qilish yo‟llari shaharlarda kuzatilayotgan kislotali yomg’irlar haqida qisqacha ma‟lumot keltirib o‟tilgan. </em></p>2024-11-24T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 ZAMONAVIY USULLARI: KORPUS TAHLILI VA UNING AFZALLIKLARI2024-11-26T12:17:37-07:00Abdullayeva Iroda Sharof<p><strong>Annnotatsiya:</strong> <em>Mazkur maqolada lingvistikaning zamonaviy tahlil usullaridan biri bo’lgan korpus tahlili ko’rib chiqiladi. Korpus lingvistikasi- tilni real hayotdan yig’ilgan matnlar asosida tahlil qilishga asoslangan zamonaviy yondashuv bo’lib, u obyektiv va ilmiy asoslangan natijalar olish imkonini beradi. Tadqiqotda korpus turlari va ularning tadqiqotdagi ahamiyati tahlil qilinadi.</em></p>2024-11-25T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024’AT VA MADANIYAT – MAMLAKAT IJOBIY IMIDJINI SHAKLLANTIRISHNING MUHIM OMILI SIFATIDA2024-11-26T12:31:53-07:00Rasulov Azizjonyusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comXudoyberdiyev<p><strong>Anotatsiya:</strong> <em>Ushbu maqolada mamlakatning xalqaro maydonda nufuzini oshirish borasida madaniy diplomatiyaning ajralmas qismi san’at va madaniyat sohasidagi </em><em>ishlar mazmuni tahlil qilinadi. </em></p>2024-11-25T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 HISTORY OF LANGUAGES: AN ETYMOLOGICAL JOURNEY2024-11-28T01:46:22-07:00Mirzayeva Sevinch<p><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>This article delves into the intricate history of languages through etymology, illuminating the evolution of human thought, culture, and identity. By examining origins such as Proto-Indo-European and the concept of "lingua," we reveal the shared ancestry of diverse language families. The influence of historical events like conquest and trade showcases how vocabulary and grammar adapt through contact and borrowing. Additionally, we explore the roles of technology and globalization in shaping modern language use, reinforcing the notion that language is a dynamic, living entity reflecting our shared human experience.</em></p>2024-11-27T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 ACQUISITION OF KNOWLADGE2024-11-28T01:55:07-07:00Mukhlisa Bakhramavayusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comNilufar<p><strong>Annotation:</strong> <em>In this article, it will be explored independent acquisition of knowledge or self-directed learning, highlighting its value in a rapidly changing world. It involves individuals taking charge of their learning through goal-setting, resource evaluation, and critical thinking, fostering adaptability and resilience. Grounded in theories like constructivism and experiential learning, this approach helps learners become self-sufficient and lifelong learners. Key strategies include setting goals, evaluating resources, and practicing reflection, allowing individuals to overcome challenges like information overload and maintain motivation in their educational journey.</em></p>2024-11-27T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 GEOMETRIYANING TABIATDAGI VA TEXNOLOGIYALARDAGI KO’RINISHI UNING AMALIYOTDAGI QO‘LLANILISHI2024-11-28T02:01:13-07:00Muzaffarjon Ummatov Alisher o‘g‘liyusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comSulaymonov Rasulbek Umarali o‘g‘liyusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comAbduazimov Ozodbek Islom o‘g‘<p><strong>Annotatsiya:</strong><em> Ushbu maqola fraktal geometrik tuzilmalarni tabiatda masalan: daraxt shoxlari, tog‘ tizmalari, daryo tizimlari va qorga o‘xshash shakllarda qanday namoyon bo‘lishini tahlil qiladi. Fraktal geometriya o‘z-o‘zidan takrorlanuvchi va murakkab tuzilmalarning matematik modeli sifatida tabiatda keng tarqalgan. Shu bilan birga, fraktallar texnologiyada, xususan, kompyuter grafikasi, signal qayta ishlash, antennalar va ma'lumotlarni jamlash jarayonlarida qanday qo'llanilayotganini o‘rganadi. Fraktal geometriyaning amaliyotdagi qo‘llanilishi matematik modellash va simulyatsiya orqali murakkab tizimlarni chuqurroq tushunish imkonini beradi.</em></p>2024-11-26T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 MATNDA XUSHMUOMALALIKNING MAZMUNIY TIPLARI2024-11-30T02:48:57-07:00Feruza Umurovayusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comJo‘raqulova<p><strong>Annotatsiya</strong><strong>:</strong> <em>Maqolada badiiy matnda xushmuomalalikni ifodalashning mazmuniy tiplari o‘rganiladi. Rasmiy, norasmiy va kundalik-maishiy xushmuomalalik tiplarining asosiy belgilari tahlil qilindi va ularning sotsiopragmatik jihatlari yoritildi. Mazkur turlar o‘rtasidagi farqlar va ulardan foydalanishning lingvistik hamda ijtimoiy omillari ko‘rib chiqildi.</em></p>2024-11-29T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 TILINI O'RGANISHDA KOMMUNIKATIV KOMPETENSIYANI OSHIRISH METODLARI2024-12-03T03:45:18-07:00Shukurova Farida Xayrilla<p><strong>Annotatsiya</strong><strong>:</strong><em> chet tilini o‘rganish jarayonida kommunikativ kompetensiyani oshirish muhim ahamiyatga ega. Ushbu metodlar o‘quvchilarga tilni amaliy ravishda qo‘llash, muloqot qilish va madaniy kontekstni tushunish imkoniyatini beradi.Chet tilini o‘rganishda kommunikativ kompetensiyani oshirish uchun samarali metodlarni taqdim etiladi, bu esa o‘quvchilarning tilni amaliy ravishda qo‘llash qobiliyatlarini rivojlantirishga yordam beradi.</em></p>2024-12-02T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 IN PARLIAMENTARY OVERSIGHT IN THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN AND GLOBAL EXPERIENCE IN THIS FIELD2024-12-03T12:04:20-07:00Boykhonov Shavkat<p><strong>Abstract</strong><strong>:</strong> <em>This article discusses the main principles of parliamentary oversight, the concept of senator (deputy) inquiries, the legislatively defined powers of senator (deputy) inquiries, effective mechanisms for senators' (deputies') activities, and proposals and recommendations for implementing foreign countries' experiences in developing the activities of senators (deputies) in our country.</em></p>2024-12-02T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 INVESTITSION LOYIHALARNI BOSHQARISH USULLARI2024-12-04T11:13:49-07:00Yuldasheva Mexrunisa Kasimjan<p><strong>Annotatsiya:</strong> <em>O‘zbekiston iqtisodiyotini rivojlantirishda investitsiyalardan samarali foydalanish yo‘llari, investitsiya hajmiga ta’sir qiluvchi omillar, investitsiyaning moliyalashtirish manbalari, O‘zbekistonda investitsion muhitni takomillashtirish, qulay ishbilarmonlik muhitini yaratish, investitsiyalarni jalb qilishga qaratilgan ijtimoiyiqtisodiy islohatlar, iqtisodiyot tarmoqlarida investitsiyalardan samarali foydalanishni tashkil etish chora-tadbirlari va investitsiyalarni jalb qilish istiqbollari, investitsiyalardan samarali foydalanish orqali iqtisodiyot soha va tarmoqlarini rivojlantirish yo‘nalishlari, investitsiyalarning iqtisodiyotga ta’siri, aholi o‘rtasida tadbirkorlikni rivojlantirishda investitsiyalarning o‘rni, O‘zbekiston iqtisodiyotini rivojlantirishda investitsiyalar samaradorligi yo‘nalishlari haqida ma’lumot keltirilgan</em></p>2024-12-03T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 ROLE OF LANGUAGE IN ADVERTISING AND CONSUMERISM2024-12-05T08:32:30-07:00Tukhtaeva Umidayusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comAbduramanova<p><strong>Abstract.</strong> <em>It is through this article that every reader will have a keen understanding of the role of language in advertising and consumerism. This research looks at consumer advertising that aims to spread awareness of a certain good or service. Nonetheless, the study does not aim to address every facet of this specific discourse or provide a solution for every issue it raises.</em></p>2024-12-04T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 ROLE OF LANGUAGE IN CONSTRUCTING NATIONAL IDENTITY2024-12-05T08:54:17-07:00Tukhtaeva Umidayusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comDiana Valeryevna<p><strong>Abstract. </strong><em>It is through this article that every reader will have a keen understanding of the role of language in constructingnational identity. There is a close and complex relationship between language and national identity. Language is an effective means of communicating cultural values, protecting legacy, and creating a feeling of community.</em></p>2024-12-04T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 ROLE OF LINGUISTIC RELATIVITY IN SHAPING WORLDVIEWS2024-12-05T09:22:11-07:00Tukhtaeva Umidayusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comDiana Valeryevna<p><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>It is through this article that every reader will have a keen understanding of the role of linguistic relatively in shaping worldviews. In addition to being a tool for communication, language affects how we see the outside world. Both linguists and linguistic anthropologists concur that language learning affects how people perceive the world and the norms and values they take for granted.</em></p>2024-12-04T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 MARG’ILONONIY IJODIYOTI VA FAOLIYATI2024-12-05T11:33:38-07:00Nazirova Nilufar Chori qiziyusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comAbdulmannonova Aziza Akbarali<p><strong>Annotatsiya:</strong> <em>Turkistondagi ilk Uyg’onish davri shunday qomusiy olimlarni dunyoga keltirdiki, ularning jahon madaniyati va ilmu faniga qo’shgan hissasi hanuzgacha hayrat bilan e’tirof etiladi. 2000 yilda tavalludiga hijriy sana bo’yicha 910 yil to’lishi munosabati bilan keng nishonlangan Burhoniddin Marg’inoniy ham ana shunday buyuk siymolardan biridir. Ushbu maqolada ham Burxoniddin Marg’ilononiy ijodiyoti va faoliyati haqida yoritilgan.</em></p>2024-12-04T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 MIKROBIALOGIYASI TERINING SOG’LOM VA YOSHAREISHINI TAMINLASH2024-12-06T19:22:55-07:00Keldibekova Shaxzoda Qahramon qiziyusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comAbdug’aniyeva Muslima Qamariddin qiziyusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comJo‘raqulova Shahnoza Bakirovnayusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comKulmanova Gavhar Sherali<p><strong>Annotatsiya: </strong><em>Teri yuzasi mikrobiota deb ataladigan milliardlab mikroorganizmlar tomonidan qoplangan. Ular orasida foydali bakteriyalar, zamburug‘lar va boshqa mikroblar mavjud. Teri mikrobiotasi terining himoya to‘sig‘i bo‘lib xizmat qiladi va qarishga qarshi tabiiy mexanizmlarni qo‘llab-quvvatlaydi.Himoya funksiyasi: Mikrobiota zararli patogenlarning ko‘payishini oldini oladi. Yallig‘lanishga qarshi ta’sir: Foydali mikroblar yallig‘lanishni kamaytiradi va teri to‘qimalarini tiklaydi. Namlikni saqlash: Mikrobiota terining namlik darajasini boshqarishda muhim rol o‘ynaydi. </em></p>2024-12-06T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024ʻZBEK TILI IZOHLI LUGʻATIDA XULQ-ATVOR FE’LLARI VA ULARNING SEMANTIKASI2024-12-10T04:18:41-07:00Ochilova Sanobar<p><strong>Annotatsiya</strong><strong>:</strong> <em>Ushbu maqola Oʻzbek tilining izohli lugʻatidagi xulq-atvor fe’llarining semantik xususiyatlarini oʻrganishga bagʻishlangan. Unda xulq-atvor fe’llarining lugʻaviy ma’nosi, ularning ijtimoiy va hissiy munosabatlarni ifodalashdagi roli yoritilgan. Maqolada fe’llar semantik guruhlarga ajratilib, ularning qoʻllanilishidagi lingvistik va madaniy qirralar tahlil qilingan. </em></p>2024-12-09T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 BOSHQARISH HAMDA INSON RESURSLARINI TIZIMLI YO'LGA QO'YISHNI ISHLAB CHIQISH LOYIHALARI2024-12-10T04:24:36-07:00Shakirov Elyor<p>Bugungi kunda biznes dunyosida muvaffaqiyatli faoliyat yuritish uchun nafaqat iqtisodiy resurslar, balki inson resurslari ham juda muhim ahamiyatga ega. Tashkilotlarning rivojlanishi uchun samarali va tizimli personal boshqaruvi tizimining o'rnatilishi zarurdir. Personal boshqarish va inson resurslarini tizimli yo'lga qo'yish, tashkilotda yuqori ish samaradorligi, xodimlarning motivatsiyasi va malakasini oshirishni ta'minlaydi. Ushbu tezisda, personal boshqarish va inson resurslarini tizimli yo'lga qo'yish uchun zarur bo'lgan yo'nalishlar, usullar va boshqaruv prinsiplariga doir fikrlar bayon etiladi.</p>2024-12-09T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 O’Z OLDIGA QO’YGAN MAQSADIGA ERISHISHDA MOTIV VA MOTIVATSIYALARNING O’<p><strong>Annotatsiya:</strong> <em>Ushbu maqolada insonning o’z maqsadlariga erishish yo‘lida motiv va motivatsiyaning o‘rni va ahamiyati tahlil qilinadi. Maqsadga erishish jarayoni faqat rejalashtirish bilan cheklanmay, balki ichki va tashqi motivatsiyalar orqali amalga oshadi. Motivatsiya insonning faoliyatini rag‘batlantiruvchi kuch sifatida ishlaydi va uning muvaffaqiyatga erishishdagi muhim omili hisoblanadi. Maqolada motiv va motivatsiyaning turli xil turlari, ularning ishlash mexanizmlari va inson faoliyatiga ta’siri muhokama qilinadi.</em></p>2024-12-09T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 ROLE OF PROJECTS IN DEVELOPING STUDENTS' PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCIES: CONTENT, ESSENCE, AND UNIQUE CHARACTERISTICS2024-12-10T04:44:28-07:00Holikova Laylo<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> <em>In the modern educational landscape, the development of professional competencies among students is essential to ensure their success in future careers. One of the most effective methods for fostering these competencies is through project-based learning. This approach allows students to engage in real-world challenges, collaborate, and apply their theoretical knowledge in practical settings. The article explores the significance of project work in the development of key professional skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork, and communication. It also examines the distinctive features of project-based learning, its impact on students’ motivation, and its ability to enhance practical skills. The study provides insights into the specific strategies that educators can employ to integrate project-based learning effectively into curricula, fostering a holistic development of students' professional competencies.</em></p>2024-12-09T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 LISTENING SKILLS THROUGH COMIC MOVIES IN A SECONDARY EDUCATION2024-12-10T04:52:26-07:00Sultonova Mushtariy<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> <em>This study aims to provide some innovative strategies for improving listening skill of English Language of secondary level students at district Bannu.Effective Listening in English language,guiding the students towards effective oral communication,is the problem with all the ESL students at secondary level and as such it creates problem for English language teachers.For this purpose, first of all, data was collected from English Language teachers of secondary level in order to know about the steps taken for the improvement of listening skill of their students. The technique required the students to realize causes of their listening comprehension.To overcome these classroom problems,the process-based approach underlying Discovery Listening Technique combined with podcast,the internet-based listening material was applied in collaborative action research.The listening skill that was specifically improved was the ability of recognizing words and their meaning in contextual use because it touched the basis of listening comprehension skill in general.Students get succeded in enhancing the communication skills,if they can understand the listening skills.It is observed that practicing of listening skills like; listening to music,watching English movies,attending English language courses develops the listening skills of the students.If students acquire the listening skills,they can develop the communication skills.</em></p>2024-12-09T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 FOR DEVELOPING LINGUISTIC COMPETENCE OF STUDENTS2024-12-10T04:59:44-07:00Rashidova<p><strong>Abstract<em>:</em></strong><em> this article focuses on using technology to improve students' linguistic skills. Modern educational tools such as interactive platforms, multimedia resources and language learning applications play a crucial role in the development of language skills. These technologies encourage active participation, facilitate collaboration, and provide a personalized learning experience. By integrating technology into the curriculum, teachers can create a dynamic environment that supports the development of reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Ultimately, strategic use of technology not only improves language skills, but also prepares students to communicate effectively in a globalized world.</em></p>2024-12-09T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 OVERIEW READING SKILL THEORIES2024-12-10T05:10:35-07:00Mamatova Mahliyo<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> <em>It is acknowledged that reading is one of crucial skills in English to master other skills;however,it is considered as a problematical skill affected by the student’s idleness impacting their reading fluency.Factually ,it has been obviously informed that 70 interest of the students have less curiosity in knowing some new information from reading activity .It is why Cooperative learning is really essential to enhance the learner’s urge in reading and expedite their reading comprehension .This paper emphasizes on TPS as one of appropriate cooperative learning techniques to accelerate student’s velocity in reading comprehension;furthermore ,this technique must be supported by other elements which ease the students more in improving their reading skill such reading comprehension ,those are;perediction pair share (PPS),Imagery pair share (IPS),and summarization pair share (SPS).</em></p>2024-12-09T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 ABOUT VOCABULARY SKILLS2024-12-10T05:19:16-07:00Do’stmamatova Malohatyusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comSirojiddinova<p><strong>Abstract</strong><strong>:</strong> <em>Vocabulary acquisition is a key element in mastering any language, and the ability to import vocabulary knowledge through texts is widely recognized as one of the most effective means to build language proficiency. By exposing learners to authentic language use, texts provide opportunities for natural vocabulary learning, enabling readers to deduce meaning from context, infer the nuances of word usage, and see vocabulary in its proper syntactic and semantic environment. This article explores how the use of texts in language learning environments facilitates vocabulary acquisition, focusing on both incidental and deliberate learning methods.</em></p>2024-12-09T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 WRITING SKILLS THROUGH LETTER2024-12-10T05:28:23-07:00Abduxalimova Zulfizaryusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comSirojiddinova<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> <em>Today, the development of writing skills is an integral part of any educational process. This article discusses effective methods and techniques for improving writing skills. Special attention is paid to such important aspects as expressing thoughts through writing, creating a logical structure, and using language correctly. Also, by writing various written works, such as letters, articles, and stories, students have the opportunity to express their thoughts clearly and fluently. The role of the teacher is also important in developing writing skills; he should provide students with the necessary guidance and advice. The article also analyzes the role of modern technologies and online resources in improving writing skills. As a result, the writing process serves not only to increase knowledge, but also to personal development.</em></p>2024-12-09T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024КЛИНИЧЕСКИЙ СЛУЧАЙ: ВРОЖДЕННЫЙ ПОРОК СЕРДЦА. ДЕФЕКТ МЕЖПРЕДСЕРДНОЙ ПЕРЕГОРОДКИ. SINUS VENOSUS SUPERIOR. ЧАСТИЧНЫЙ АНОМАЛЬНЫЙ ДРЕНАЖ ЛЕГОЧНЫХ ВЕН. РИКИАТМ. ТМА2024-12-10T05:35:17-07:00Машкурова З.Тyusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comТурсунметов И.Рyusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comРозибаев Б.И<p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; text-indent: 1.0cm; line-height: 115%; tab-stops: 2.0cm;"><span style="font-size: 13.0pt; line-height: 115%;">Врожденный порок сердца с дефектом межпредсердной перегородки типа sinus venosus superior и частичным аномальным дренажем легочных вен (ЧАДЛВ) представляет собой сложное сердечно-сосудистое нарушение. Этот порок характеризуется наличием отверстия в верхней части межпредсердной перегородки, расположенной близко к впадению верхней полой вены. Это приводит к патологическому сообщению между правым и левым предсердиями и шунтированию крови из левого предсердия в правое, что вызывает объемную перегрузку правых отделов сердца.</span></p>2024-12-09T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 LISTENING ABILITIES THROUGH MUSIC IN THE CLASSROOM2024-12-10T05:51:18-07:00Ergasheva Sevarayusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comSirojiddinova<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> <em>This study explores the effectiveness of integrating music into classroom instruction as a means of enhancing students' listening abilities. Music, with its inherent emotional and cognitive influences, serves as a powerful tool for engaging students and fostering a deeper understanding of auditory information. The research highlights various methods by which music can be utilized to improve listening skills, including active listening exercises, rhythmic activities, and collaborative musical projects. Through structured activities that involve analyzing musical compositions, students develop critical listening skills that extend beyond mere auditory perception to include interpretation and emotional response. Additionally, the incorporation of diverse musical genres exposes students to different cultural contexts, broadening their perspectives and enhancing their overall cultural literacy. The findings indicate that music not only aids in improving attention and memory but also promotes social interaction and teamwork among students. Collaborative music-making fosters communication skills and encourages students to actively engage with their peers, thereby creating a supportive learning environment.</em></p>2024-12-09T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 SPEAKING SKILLS THROUGH AUDIO MATERIALS2024-12-10T05:58:32-07:00Ulasheva E’zozayusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comSirojiddinova<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> <em>Improving speaking skills through audio materials has become an essential approach in language learning, offering an effective and flexible method for enhancing verbal communication abilities. Audio materials, such as podcasts, audio books, and language-learning recordings, provide learners with exposure to authentic language use, pronunciation, and diverse accents, helping them develop a more natural and fluent speaking style. These materials allow for repeated listening, enabling learners to focus on specific aspects of pronunciation, intonation, and speech patterns. Additionally, they facilitate active listening and mimicry, which are crucial for internalizing correct language usage. By integrating these audio resources into daily practice, learners can enhance their vocabulary, improve fluency, and gain confidence in real-world conversations. This paper explores the benefits of using audio materials to improve speaking skills, outlines effective strategies for incorporating them into a study routine, and discusses the challenges and solutions associated with their use. Ultimately, it highlights the importance of audio-based learning tools in fostering language proficiency and communicative competence.</em></p>2024-12-09T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 READING SKILLS NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN A SECONDARY EDUCATION2024-12-10T06:07:42-07:00G’ulomova Muxlisayusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comSirojiddinova<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> <em>The importance of reading skills in learning English as a foreign language is highlighted in this article, along with an exploration of the role of teachers in promoting reading comprehension. The article delves into the significance of well-structured teaching methods for mastering reading skills and underscores the advantages of reading skill instruction for students at all levels. It also outlines the three primary phases involved in teaching and learning reading - pre-reading, while-reading, and post-reading - and provides explanations of the objectives and activities associated with each phase. Furthermore, it examines the essential role of teachers in teaching reading skills and offers insights into the responsibilities they undertake during intensive and extensive reading practices. Finally, the article wraps up by presenting teaching principles for reading that can improve students' fluency and comprehension skills. </em></p>2024-12-09T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 ABOUT SPEAKING VISUAL MATERIALS SKILLS2024-12-10T06:21:59-07:00Umarova<p><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>speaking is an important activity that serves to exchange information between people. It is carried out not only through words, but also with the help of intonation, facial expressions and other physical signs. In this article, we will talk about the importance, methods and material of speaking. It is known that the culture and style of speaking play an important role in people's social life. These processes have their own methods and visual materials.</em></p>2024-12-09T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 SPEAKING VOCABULARY THROUGH AUDIO MATERIALS IN A PRIMARY EDUCATION2024-12-11T10:12:13-07:00Sirojiddinova S.Shyusufxonjalolxojayev95@gmail.comAbdurasulova<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> <em>With the advancement of technology and the growing prevalence of online learning, the focus on students’ metacognitive skills has become increasingly significant. This study seeks to explore the impact of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) on the academic performance of English students, identify the most dominant component of SRL, and investigate whether there is a correlation between the use of SRL and gender.</em></p>2024-12-10T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024, ISTE'DOD VA TALANT KABI PSIXOLOGIK XUSUSIYATLAR TALABA SHAXSINI NAMOYON ETUVCHI MUHIM OMIL SIFATIDA2024-12-11T10:27:38-07:00Baxtiyorova Shahruza Bunyod<p><strong>Annotatsiya: </strong><em>Mazkur maqolada qobiliyat, iste'dod va talantning talaba shaxsini shakllantirishdagi ahamiyati tahlil qilinadi. Ushbu psixologik xususiyatlarning talaba hayotidagi o‘rni va ta’lim jarayonlarida ularning rivojlanishiga ta’sir ko‘rsatuvchi omillar ko‘rib chiqiladi. Tahlil jarayonida qobiliyat va iste'dod tushunchalarining mohiyati, ularning shaxsning ijtimoiy hayotiga ta’siri ham yoritiladi.</em></p>2024-12-10T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 SYSTEM AND ITS LEXICO-SEMANTIC CLASSIFICATION2024-12-11T10:36:53-07:00Shamsiddinova<p><strong>Abstract:</strong><em> the verb system is one of the main grammatical structures of the language and is a set of words that express actions, states and processes. In English, verbs, along with their lexico-semantic features, also include grammatical categories. This annotation examines the lexico-semantic classification of the verb system and its main features. The verb system is one of the basic building blocks of language and plays an important role in language learning and comprehension.</em></p>2024-12-10T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 READING COMPEHENSE THROUGH TEXTS2024-12-11T10:51:24-07:00Xolmuminova Zarnigoryusufxonjalolxojayev95@gmail.comSirojiddinova<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> <em>The importance of reading is also evident in school settings , as it is a language skill that spans the entire curriculm. In fact , man should have unlimited opportunities to acces his knowledge reading should always be a thoughtful complex ,multi-level and active process, as it requires various cognitive and linguistic procsses.</em></p>2024-12-10T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 VA IRODANI MUSTAHKAMLOVCHI PSIXOLOGIK MASHGʻ<p><strong>Annotatsiya: </strong><em>Mazkur maqolada iroda tushunchasi, uning psixologik jihatlari va inson hayotida tutgan o‘rni tahlil qilinadi. Shuningdek, iroda kuchini rivojlantirish va mustahkamlash uchun qo‘llaniladigan samarali psixologik mashg‘ulotlar haqida so‘z yuritiladi. Maqolada irodaning muhim xususiyatlari, uning jamiyatda muvaffaqiyatga erishishda ahamiyati va psixologik mashg‘ulotlarning uslubiy jihatlari o‘rganiladi.</em></p>2024-12-10T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 LISTENING ABLITIES THROUGH PODCASTING2024-12-11T11:23:39-07:00Murodullayev Abduvakilxon Sirojiddinovichyusufxonjalolxojayev95@gmail.comSirojiddinova<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> <em>The reason for this study was how and what adults learn.Podcasts the production and distribution of podcast audio,file series system outside of formal educational settings for recreation has increased dramationally in the last 30 years.The meaning of the word “podcast”has evolved since the world was coined by Ben Hammarsly in the Guardian in chang and Kim 2015 to consider colleges.The findings indicate that there was significant difference of post test score between the students who were taught using podcast and students who were taught without using podcast.It can be seen from the data analysis using ANOVA that showed significance value effect on Students Listening Comprehension.</em></p>2024-12-10T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 DEMOGRAFIK KEKSAYISHI SABABLARI2024-12-12T11:39:18-07:00Ochilboyeva Sayyora Omil<p><em>Aholining keksayishi hozirgi davrda zamonaviy demografik hodisa hisoblanib, garchi uning rivojlanish intensivligi turlicha bo’lsa-da, barcha mamlakatlar uchun xos bo’lmoqda. Aholining keksayishi umumiy sonida ulug’ yoshdagilar ulushining ortishi, yoshlar salmog’ining kamayishi, shu bilan bir vaqtda o’rta yoshdagi aholi sonining ko’payishida o’z ifodasini topadi. </em></p>2024-12-11T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 STUDY OF LANGUAGE BORROWING IN ENGLISH FROM ROMANCE LANGUAGES2024-12-12T12:05:51-07:00Turg’unboyev Juraboy Jumaboy o’g’liyusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comDiana Valeryevna<p><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>This study explores the phenomenon of language borrowing in English from Romance languages, highlighting the historical, sociolinguistic, and lexical dimensions of this linguistic interaction. The research traces the origins of Romance language influence on English, beginning with the Norman Conquest and extending through subsequent cultural exchanges. It examines the mechanisms of borrowing, including direct loans, calques, and semantic shifts, and categorizes the borrowed vocabulary into various domains such as law, art, cuisine, and science. Through qualitative analysis of contemporary English usage, the study identifies patterns of integration and adaptation of borrowed terms, as well as the sociocultural factors that facilitate or hinder this process. Additionally, it discusses the implications of language borrowing for linguistic identity and language evolution. The findings reveal that the interplay between English and Romance languages not only enriches the English lexicon but also reflects broader historical narratives of contact and exchange among cultures. This study contributes to the understanding of bilingualism, language change, and the dynamic nature of linguistic landscapes in a globalized world.</em></p>2024-12-11T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 REPRESENTATION OF POWER AND AUTHORITY IN CLASSICAL LITERATURE2024-12-12T12:23:01-07:00Turg’unboyev Juraboy Jumaboy o’g’liyusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comDiana Valeryevna<p><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>The representation of power and authority in classical literature serves as a critical lens through which the dynamics of societal structures, governance, and individual agency can be examined. This exploration spans various genres, including epic poetry, tragedy, and philosophical texts, revealing how ancient authors grappled with the complexities of leadership, morality, and the human condition. Works such as Homer's "Iliad" and Sophocles' "Antigone" illustrate the tension between divine authority and human ambition, while Plato's "Republic" delves into the philosophical underpinnings of justice and governance. Furthermore, narratives often depict rebellion against oppressive power, highlighting the struggle for autonomy and the consequences of defiance. Through rich symbolism, rhetorical devices, and character development, classical literature not only reflects the societal norms of its time but also raises enduring questions about the nature of power, the responsibilities of rulers, and the moral implications of authority. This study aims to illuminate how these themes resonate across cultures and epochs, offering insights into contemporary discussions on power dynamics and ethical leadership.</em></p>2024-12-11T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 ROLE OF MYTHOLOGY IN MODERN FANTASY LITERATURE2024-12-12T12:41:47-07:00Turg’unboyev Juraboy Jumaboy o’g’liyusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comDiana Valeryevna<p><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>This review paper examines the profound influence of mythology on modern English literature. It traces the historical evolution of mythology in literature, from its origins in ancient civilizations to its incorporation into English literature during the Renaissance and beyond; explores common mythological themes and motifs in modern literature, as well as the use of symbolism and allegory derived from mythology.</em></p>2024-12-11T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 BOZORINI AXBOROT BAZASINI STATISTIK HISOBGA OLISH JARAYONLARI2024-12-13T06:15:05-07:00Mirzayeva Odina Imomnazar<p>Bugungi kunda raqamli texnologiyalarning jadal rivojlanishi mehnat bozori statistikasini yuritishning yangi imkoniyatlarini yaratmoqda. Big Data texnologiyalari, sun'iy intellekt va mashinali o'qitish usullari mehnat bozori to'g'risidagi ma'lumotlarni to'plash, qayta ishlash va tahlil qilish jarayonlarini avtomatlashtirish imkonini bermoqda</p>2024-12-12T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 XIZMATCHILARNING QO‘L VA PICHOQ JANGI BO‘YICHA KO‘NIKMA VA MALAKASINI SHAKLLANTIRISH ASОSLARI2024-12-13T09:19:22-07:00Jaynarov Nodir<p>Qo‘l va pichoq jangi mashg‘ulotlari shaxsiy tarkibning raqibni hayotdan mahrum qilish, safdan chiqarish yoki asir olish, raqib hamlasidan o‘zini o‘zi himoya qilish ko‘nikmalarini shakllantirish, shu jumladan, dovyuraklik, qat’iyatlilik sifatlari hamda o‘z kuchiga bo‘lgan ishonchini tarbiyalashga yo‘naltirilgan.</p>2024-12-12T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS IN ENGLISH2024-12-13T09:26:04-07:00Boltayeva Mexrangiz<p><strong>Abstract<em>: </em></strong><em>english phraseological units, often called idioms or solid expressions, are an integral part of language that convey meanings beyond the meanings of their individual words. This study examines the main characteristics of phraseological units, emphasizing their importance in communication, cultural expression and their place in the structure of language. The characteristics of phraseological units in the English language show their complexity and importance in effective communication. By studying these features, we gain a deeper understanding of how phraseological units play a role in language use, reflect cultural identities, and contribute to the richness of English as a global language.</em></p>2024-12-12T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 IN TEACHING AND LEARNING LANGUAGES2024-12-13T09:33:39-07:00Amira Alirizoyevayusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comAkramova T.Kyusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comNuridinova<p><strong>Annotation: </strong><em>Just as there is a biosphere where living organisms live and develop, there is also a</em> <em>socio-sphere where the center is a man as a social being. This socio-sphere is simply a</em> <em>set of social and cultural norms that tell us how to behave in a particular social group.</em> <em>When a person decides to learn a foreign language or, in addition to learn new</em> <em>linguistic system, he/she must learn a certain set of social and cultural norms that</em> <em>govern the communication exchanges that make up the socio-sphere.</em></p>2024-12-12T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 AND NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES OF ACID RAIN ON CHILDREN’S HEALTH2024-12-13T10:20:02-07:00Amira Alirizoyevayusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comTakhmina<p>It is often said that rain is something refreshing and beneficial to the environment, but, actually, not all types of rain are good. Acid rain is a type of rain which contains chemical substances which are harmful for the environment. According to Scottish chemist Robert Angus Smith it is created by emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide which reacts with the water molecules in the atmosphere to produce acids (Patricia et al.,1983). In addition, acid rain can be detrimental to flora and fauna as it leaches aluminum (Arcadia et al., 2017). Various researchers (Christopher Lehmann, 2013; David Gay) have evaluated that acid deposition has significant adverse effects on lakes and streams. Scientific concerns have also been voiced over potentially significant effects on human health. It has been estimated that around 550 premature deaths each year occur due to acid rain. The paper is structured as follows: the first section presents the causes and places damaged by acid rain, focusing on the current limited knowledge regarding the student experience; the second part presents the harmful effects and methods to avoid acid rain, and the final section considers the kind of pollution which can result in formation of acid rain.</p>2024-12-12T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 SPEAKING THROUGH DIALOGUE A CLASSROOM2024-12-13T10:27:39-07:00Abduvaliyeva Marjonayusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comShahribonu<p><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>The topic of "Developing Speaking through Dialogue in the Classroom" emphasizes the importance of engaging students in interactive conversations as a key method to improve their speaking skills. Dialogue-based activities create an environment where students can practice real-life communication, enhancing fluency and confidence. These activities, such as role plays, debates, and discussions, encourage learners to think critically and express themselves in a variety of contexts.</em></p>2024-12-12T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 METHODS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODOLOGY2024-12-14T05:04:17-07:00Sadaddinova Muazzamyusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comXadjiyeva Zumrad<p><strong>Abstract</strong><strong>: </strong><em>this article considers the importance of modern methods and methods of application in foreign language teaching methodology. With the development of globalization and information technologies, the foreign language teaching process requires new approaches and methods. Modern methods help to make the foreign language teaching process more effective and interesting. The article can be useful to pedagogues, teachers and educational specialists in encouraging students to successfully learn foreign languages by using modern methods.</em></p>2024-12-12T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 IN TEACHING AND LEARNING ENGLISH USE OF TECHNOLOGIES2024-12-14T05:16:12-07:00Nashbandova E'zozayusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comXadjiyeva Zumrad<p><strong>Abstract</strong><strong>:</strong><em> this article examines the importance of using modern technology in teaching and learning English. In the process of learning foreign languages, technological innovations, including online learning platforms, mobile applications, interactive textbooks and multimedia resources, play an important role in increasing the motivation of students and improving the effectiveness of teaching. Modern methods such as teaching and project-based approaches are presented. With the help of these technologies, students can learn the language in a more interesting and effective way.</em></p>2024-12-12T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 VOCABULARY SKILLS WITH DEFINITIONS2024-12-15T19:04:57-07:00Rozikova Shaxrizoda Xurshedovnayusufxonjalolxojayev4@gmail.comShahribonu<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> <em>Vocabulary is a foundational element of language learning and communication, playing a critical role in academic success, professional development, and personal growth. This article explores how learning definitions systematically can significantly enhance vocabulary skills. It highlights the benefits of definition-based learning, including improved comprehension, context understanding, and language usage. Effective strategies such as using flashcards, contextual learning, and digital tools are discussed, alongside practical tips for integrating definitions into daily study routines. The article emphasizes the importance of repetitive practice, exposure to diverse word usage, and active recall to retain and apply new vocabulary. By adopting these methods, learners can enrich their vocabulary skills and boost their confidence in both written and spoken communication.</em></p>2024-12-15T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 SKILLS: THE KEY TO EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION2024-12-15T19:21:11-07:00Akhtamova<p><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>Grammar is the foundation of any language, and mastering grammar skills is essential for clear and effective communication. Whether you are speaking or writing, grammar helps to convey your ideas in a structured and understandable way. This article will discuss the importance of grammar skills, provide tips for improving them, and explore how these skills impact both written and spoken communication.</em></p>2024-12-15T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 TA'LIMDA RAQAMLASHTIRISHNING AHAMIYATI2024-12-15T19:26:40-07:00Axmedova Madina<p><strong>Annotatsiya:</strong><em> tibbiy ta'limda raqamlashtirish, ta'lim jarayonini optimallashtirish va o‘quvchilarning o‘zlashtirish samaradorligini oshirishda katta rol o‘ynaydi. Raqamli texnologiyalarni qo‘llash, tibbiyot o‘quvchilarining zamonaviy bilimlarni, malaka va ko‘nikmalarga ega bo‘lishlariga ta'sir qiladi.</em></p>2024-12-15T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 SOCIAL MEDIA, TOOLS TO PROMOTE INTERACTION AMONG LANGUAGE LEARNERS2024-12-22T03:11:48-07:00Tagayeva Umida Ernazarovnayusufxonjaloxojayev4@gmail.comAkramqulova<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> <em>The integration of social media in language learning presents a transformative approach to fostering interactive and engaging educational environments. This paper explores the utilization of various social media platforms and tools to promote interaction among language learners. By leveraging the communicative capabilities of social networks, learners can practice language skills in authentic contexts, share resources, and collaborate with peers globally. The study examines the benefits and challenges associated with social media in language education, highlighting how these tools can enhance motivation, increase exposure to the target language, and facilitate cultural exchange. Ultimately, we propose strategies for educators to effectively implement social media in their language programs, fostering a dynamic community of learners that transcends geographical boundaries.</em></p>2024-12-21T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RISKINI BAHOLASH VA BOSHQARISHNI TAKOMILLASHTIRISH2025-01-08T04:09:16-07:00Reimova Aynura<p><strong>Annotatsiya: </strong><em>mazkur maqolada fond riskini baholash va boshqarish jarayonlari keng yoritilgan. Risklarni identifikatsiya qilish, baholash, boshqarish strategiyalarini ishlab chiqish va monitoring qilish jarayonlari batafsil ko‘rib chiqilgan. Shuningdek, zamonaviy texnologiyalarni qo‘llash va xalqaro standartlarga moslashish bo‘yicha takliflar ilgari surilgan. Ushbu jarayonlarning to‘g‘ri tashkil etilishi investitsiya xavfsizligini oshirish va fondning barqarorligini ta'minlashda muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi.</em></p>2025-01-07T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025 IMPORTANCE OF IMPLICATURE2025-01-08T04:19:17-07:00Muinjonova Fatimayusufxonjaloxojayev4@gmail.comBoltayeva<p><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>In this article we are going to delve into the concept of implicature as well as discussing it’s importance in written and spoken language. The paper highlights how implicature helps speakers convey meanings beyond the literal statements and how by being able to reflect on the implications we can improve interpersonal communication. Along with the spoken language we are going to provide examples from literature such as George Orwell’s «Animal Farm» and Jane Austen’s «Pride and Prejudice». And explain how grasping deeper meanings behind characters’ dialogues or actions might improve our comprehension of the book. </em></p>2025-01-07T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025 HAQIDA TUSHUNCHA. TEMPERAMENT TIPIGA MOS JUFT TANLASH – OILAVIY MUNOSABATLAR MUSTAHKAMLIGI OMILI SIFATIDA2025-01-08T04:36:45-07:00Baxtiyorova Sevinch Sherali qiziyusufxonjaloxojayev4@gmail.comYadgarova Ozoda<p><strong>Annotatsiya: </strong>Ushbu maqolada temperament tushunchasi va uning oilaviy munosabatlardagi ahamiyati keng yoritilgan. Temperamentning to‘rt asosiy turi (xolerik, sangvinik, flegmatik, melanxolik va ularning juft tanlashdagi muhim jihatlari tahlil qilingan. Tadqiqotlar shuni ko‘rsatadiki, temperament mosligi oilaviy munosabatlarning mustahkamligi va barqarorligida muhim rol o‘ynaydi. Mazkur maqola oilaviy hayotda temperamentning rolini yaxshiroq tushunishga va juftlar o‘rtasida muvozanatni saqlash bo‘yicha ilmiy tavsiyalar berishga qaratilgan.</p>2025-01-07T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025 AND EDUCATIONAL LIFE IN THE 11TH CENTURY AND ITS INFLUENCE ON THE FORMATION OF THE WORLD OUTLOOK OF KAYKOVUS2025-01-09T10:26:12-07:00Hayitov A.Iyusufxonjaloxojayev4@gmail.comBo‘riboyeva<p><strong>Annotation: </strong><em>The article talks about social and educational life in the 11th century and its impact on the results of Kaikovus worldview.</em></p>2025-01-08T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025 INTERRELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE2025-01-10T09:52:34-07:00Egamberdiyeva Mahliyo To’lqinjon<p><strong>Annotation:</strong> <em>This thesis observe interconnection between language and culture how language acts as a medium for expressing and conserving demonstrate cultural identity. Language does not always allowed communication, it also express the unusual history, traditions, values, and worldviews of a society. The research examines the ways particular cultural sections, like social norms, daily life, are implanted for language.</em> <em>This annotation provides a brief overview of the main focus and key aspects of the research topic, highlighting its significance in understanding the mutual influence of language and culture.</em></p>2025-01-09T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025 MEDIA INFLUENCE ON CHILDREN’S EDUCATION2025-01-10T09:57:01-07:00Qarshiyeva Sabrina G'ayrat qiziyusufxonjaloxojayev4@gmail.comHamroyeva Farida Fahriddinovnayusufxonjaloxojayev4@gmail.comRustamova Adash<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> <em>The rapid evolution of social media has profoundly impacted various aspects of life, including education. This article explores the dual-edged influence of social media on children's education, highlighting its benefits and challenges. Social media platforms offer innovative learning opportunities, access to diverse educational resources, and enhanced peer collaboration. However, excessive use can lead to distractions, cyberbullying, and misinformation, ultimately affecting academic performance and mental health. The study emphasizes the importance of guidance from educators and parents in ensuring that children utilize social media responsibly and effectively for educational purposes.</em></p>2025-01-09T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025ШАХСНИ ЖИНОЯТ ИШИГА ГУМОН ҚИЛИНУВЧИ ТАРИҚАСИДА ИШТИРОК ЭТИШГА ЖАЛБ ҚИЛИШ ТУШУНЧАСИ ҲАМДА ГУМОН ҚИЛИНУВЧИНИНГ ПРОЦЕССУАЛ МАҚОМИ2025-01-15T03:41:11-07:00Хасанов Миржаҳон Тошпулат ўғли<p><strong>Аннотация: </strong><em>Жиноят иши бўйича шахсни гумон қилинувчи сифатида жалб этишнинг ўзига хос хусусиятлари ва ушбу тергов ҳаракатида вужудга келадиган ижтимоий муносабатлар ҳисобланади. Тадкиқотнинг умумий фикрига боғлиқ ҳолда унинг қўшимча обьекти бўлиб, шахсни жиноят ишига гумон қилинувчи сифатида жалб қилишнинг процессуал тартиби ҳам ҳисобланади.</em></p>2025-01-13T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025’LIM-TARBIYA JARAYONINI TEXNOLOGIYALASHTIRISH ASOSLARI2025-01-29T05:14:13-07:00Feruza Aminovna Turakulovayusufxonjaloxojayev4@gmail.comAbdurahimova Munisaxon Nazirjon<p><strong>Annotatsiya: </strong><em>mazkur maqola mazmuida ta’lim-tarbiya jarayonini texnologiyalashtirish asoslari aks ettirilgan</em></p>2025-01-28T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025 PROCESS OF QUALITY EDUCATION - AS A MECHANICAL COMBINATION OF TEACHING AND LEARNING PROCESSES2025-01-29T05:26:00-07:00Obidova Dildora<p><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>Quality education depends on the fact that students are well educated. Therefore, the educational process is a combination of educational and pedagogical tasks. One of the factors confirming the integrity of the educational and pedagogical tasks of education is the fact that teaching methods are expressed as an integral part of teaching methods, and secondly, educational methods themselves are manifested as methods of motivating learning.</em></p>2025-01-28T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025РОЛЬ ФРАЗЕОЛОГИЗМОВ В ОБУЧЕНИИ РУССКОГО ЯЗЫКА В ВУЗАХ2025-01-29T05:34:26-07:00Мирзалиев Толибжон Ганиевичyusufxonjaloxojayev4@gmail.comШарипова Муслимаyusufxonjaloxojayev4@gmail.comАхадова Мохларойим<p><strong>Аннотация:</strong> <em>В данной статье раскрываются роль фразеологизмов, дефиниции понятия, система норм литературного языка, а также описана лингвометодическая модель по развитию речевой культуры школьной молодёжи. В данной статье обращается особое внимание формированию речевой культуры студентов в учебном процессе</em>.</p>2025-01-28T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ МОБИЛЬНОГО ОБУЧЕНИЯ. МОБИЛЬНОЕ ОБУЧЕНИЕ И ПРЕПОДАВАНИЕ ЯЗЫКОВ2025-01-29T05:44:30-07:00Хнлолa Гулямовна Очилдиеваyusufxonjaloxojayev4@gmail.comБуронова Сухсораyusufxonjaloxojayev4@gmail.comАдхамова Иродаyusufxonjaloxojayev4@gmail.comУмаралиева Муслима<p><strong>Аннотация: </strong><em>Статья посвящена о роли и педагогических аспектах мобильного обучения, об инновационных технологий XXI века в обучении русскому языку. В ней рассматривается важность современных технологий для повышения интереса обучающихся к изучению языка, а также эффективные методы использования этих технологий в учебном процессе. </em></p>2025-01-28T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025 WAYS OF EFFECTIVE LEARNING2025-01-29T06:06:54-07:00Ergashova Dilfuza<p><strong>Annotation:</strong> <em>This article discusses creative and effective approaches to learning in a fast-evolving world where traditional methods are no longer sufficient. It highlights strategies like gamification, visual learning techniques, learning by teaching, hands-on learning, collaborative learning, technology-enhanced learning, storytelling, and reflection to make learning more engaging and productive. The use of tools like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) is emphasized to create immersive and dynamic learning experiences. The article concludes by stressing the importance of curiosity, adaptability, and embracing diverse methods for lifelong learning. </em></p>2025-01-28T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025 BIZNЕS VA XUSUSIY TADBIRKORLIK SUBYEKTLARINI KRЕDITLASHNING NAZARIY ASOSLARI2025-02-10T18:54:24-07:00Jalilov Abdulaziz Abduhamid o’g’<p><strong>Kirish</strong><strong>: </strong>Kichik biznes va xususiy tadbirkorlik sohasining mamlakatimizni modernizatsiya qilish va yangilashning ishonchli tayanchi bo‘lgan mulkdorlar sinfi, ya’ni o‘rta sinfni shakllantirishdagi ulkan ahamiyatini hech narsa bilan qiyoslab bo‘lmaydi. Mamlakatimizda kichik biznes va xususiy tadbirkorlikni yanada rivojlantirish orqali uning YAIMdagi ulushini oshirish, aholini ish bilan band etish, ularning real daromadlarini ko‘paytirish va turmush farovonligini yaxshilashda kreditlash muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi. Moliyalash aholini kambag‘allikdan xalos etish, mehnatga layoqatli, iqtidorli aholi qatlamini ishga jalb etish orqali o‘z g‘oya va yangiliklarini ro‘yobga chiqarish bilan daromad olish manbalarini kengaytirish asosida turmush farovonligini yaxshilash, kichik va xususiy tadbirkorlik faoliyatini rivojlantirish yo‘li bilan jamiyatning ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy faol subyektlariga aylanishiga imkon beradi<a href="#_ftn1" name="_ftnref1">[1]</a>.</p> <p> </p> <p><a href="#_ftnref1" name="_ftn1">[1]</a> 1. Agostino, D., Saliterer, I., & Steccolini, I. (2024). Artificial intelligence in the public sector: A systematic literature review and future research agenda. Public Administration Review, 84(1), 76-91.</p>2025-02-10T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025 KO'RSATKICHLARNI PROGNOZLASH VA REJALASHTIRISHNI NAZARIY ASOSLARI2025-02-10T19:32:46-07:00Suyarov Sherzod<p><strong>Kirish: </strong>Moliyaviy rejalashtirishni takomillashtirishning yana bir muhim yo'nalishi - bu strategik rejalashtirish tizimini rivojlantirish. Korxona o'zining uzoq muddatli maqsadlarini aniq belgilab olishi va shu asosda moliyaviy strategiyasini ishlab chiqishi kerak. Strategik rejalashtirish jarayonida tashqi muhit omillarini, bozor kon'yukturasini, raqobatchilar faoliyatini va boshqa muhim omillarni hisobga olish zarur.</p>2025-02-10T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025 TILLARNI O‘RGANISHDA SMART TEXNOLOGIYALARNING O‘RNI2025-02-24T07:12:32-07:00Soxibjonova<p><strong>Annotatsiya: </strong><em>Kompyuter texnologiyalarining jadal rivoji natijasida ta’lim tizimiga “Smart texnologiyalar” tushunchasi kirib keldi. Hozirgi raqamli asarda esa ta’lim sohasini SMART texnologiyalarisiz tasavvur etish qiyin desak mubolag’a bo’lmaydi. SMART ta’lim texnologiyalari o’quvchilarga nafaqat ingliz tilini balki boshqa xorijiy tillarni oson va samarali tarzda o’rgatishga imkon beradi. Hozirda ko’plab izlanuvchilar SMART ta’lim texnologiyalarining imkoniyatlarini o’rganishda izlanishlar olib borishmoqda. Bundan tashqari, SMART ta’lim texnologiyalaridan foydalana olish ko’nikmasi kelajakda ish va hayotlarida ham yordam beradi. Ushbu maqolada esa manashu SMART ta’lim texnologiyalarining o’qituvchilar va o’quvchilar uchun chet tilini o’rgatish va o’rganishdagi ahamiyatiga e’tibor qaratiladi.</em></p>2025-02-22T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025МЕКТЕП МУГАЛИМДЕРИНИН БАШКАРУУ МАДАНИЯТЫН КАЛЫРТАНДЫРУУНУН ТЕХНОЛОГЯЛАРЫ2025-03-03T22:13:31-07:00Токтосунова Маликаyusufxonjaloxojayev4@gmail.comАвазова Элнура<p><strong>Аннотация</strong><strong>:</strong> <em>Бул маклада педагогдун башкаруудагы мамилесин жана маданиятын өнүгүү проблемасын ачып көрсөтүү үчүн “башкаруудагы мамиле жана маданиятынын” категориясынын маңызын түшүнүү, мектептин мугалимдери тарабынан бул сапатка маани берүү зарыл экендиги ачып берилет. Изилденип жаткан теманын <strong>максаты</strong> окуучу менен мугалимдин мамилеси жана мектепти өнүгүүсүнүн мазмуну теориялык жактан негиздөө болуп саналат. <strong>Изилдөөнүн жыйынтыгы </strong>окуучу менен мугалимдин мамилесин жана мектептин өнүгүүсүн теориялык жактан далилдөөдө турат. <strong>Изилдөөнүн методологиясы </strong>азыркы мезгилге чейинки темага байланыштуу изилдеген окмуштуулардын колдонгон методологиясын ортолоштуруп колдонуу. </em></p>2025-03-03T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025 TARJIMA SAN’ATI: MUAMMOLAR VA YECHIMLAR NEMIS VA O’ZBEK TILI MISOLIDA2025-03-04T23:34:18-07:00Malikova Feruza Nodir<p><strong>Annotatsiya<em>: </em></strong><em>Ushbu maqolada tarjimonlar duch keladigan asosiy qiyinchiliklar va ularning yechimlari haqida so‘z yuritiladi.O’zbek va Nemis tili nazlida ushbu qiyinchiliklarni bartaraf qilish usullari va yechimlari misollar orqali ko’rib chiqiladi.</em></p>2025-03-04T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025'LIM MUASSASALARINI TA'MINOT TIZIMIDA AYLANMA MABLAG'LARDAN FOYDALANISH SAMARADORLIGINI OSHIRISHNING KONSEPTUAL YONDASHUVLARI2025-03-14T00:50:10-06:00Doripov Akbarali Yo’<p><strong>Kirish: </strong>Ta'lim muassasalarining ta'minot tizimida aylanma mablag'lardan samarali foydalanish masalasi ta'lim sifatini oshirish va moliyaviy barqarorlikni ta'minlashning muhim omili hisoblanadi. Zamonaviy sharoitda ta'lim muassasalarining moddiy-texnik bazasini mustahkamlash, o'quv jihozlari va materiallar bilan o'z vaqtida ta'minlash, shuningdek, ularning sifatli saqlash va taqsimlash tizimini yo'lga qo'yish dolzarb ahamiyat kasb etmoqda. Ushbu paragrafda ta'lim muassasalarining ta'minot tizimida aylanma mablag'lardan foydalanish samaradorligini oshirishning konseptual yondashuvlari, innovatsion g'oyalar va ilg'or xalqaro tajribalar tahlil qilinadi. Shuningdek, mavjud muammolar va ularning yechimlari, ta'minot tizimini optimallashtirish yo'llari ham atroflicha ko'rib chiqiladi.</p>2025-03-13T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025