Key words: creative, creative thinking, creative youth, creative skills, creative approach, creative activity.Abstract
Annotation: Currently, young people of Uzbekistan strive to be creative, create new ideas in various fields of human activity. Unconventional and high-quality solutions to existing problems will accelerate the growth and development of society.
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O ‘zbekiston Respublikasi Xalq ta’limi Vazirligi. PISA tadqiqotida kreativ fikrlashni baholash doirasi (2020) UO‘К 116.25.326 BBK 74.88(5Узб).
Ta’lim sifatini baholash bo‘yicha xalqaro tadqiqotlarni amalga oshi rish milliy markazi. Kreativ fikrlashni baholash (2021) UO‘К 37.014.6:001 КBК 74.00 Т 12