
  • Musurmonkulova Indira 11th grade student of the 1st specialized state comprehensive school


Key words: high school experiences, academic choices, field exposure, career guidance, peer influence, psychological decision.


Annotation: This article explores how high school experiences shape students' choices when selecting university subjects. It delves into various factors, including involvement in extracurricular activities, performance in specific subjects, and personal interests developed during high school. The piece highlights the significance of early exposure to different fields, such as science, arts, and technology, and how these experiences can influence long-term academic decisions. Additionally, the article discusses the psychological aspects of decision-making and how peer relationships and mentor guidance can further assist students in choosing their academic paths. By examining case studies and expert opinions, the article aims to provide insights for high school students, educators, and parents on fostering environments that inspire thoughtful university subject selection. Ultimately, it emphasizes the importance of recognizing and leveraging high school experiences as a foundation for future academic success.



Schneider, B., & Preckel, F. (2017). The Role of High School Experiences in Influencing University Major Choices. Educational Psychology Review, 29(2), 223-252. This study examines how various high school experiences, such as extracurricular activities and advanced placement courses, affect students' decisions about university majors.

Wang, M. T., & Degol, J. L. (2013). Impact of High School Experiences on College Major Choices. Journal of Educational Psychology, 105(2), 507-522. The authors investigate the correlation between high school engagement and the likelihood of selecting certain college majors.

Pascarella, E. T., & Terenzini, P. T. (2005). How College Affects Students: A Third Decade of Research. Jossey-Bass. This comprehensive research review includes insights on how high school experiences prepare students for their college and major choices.

Bettinger, E. P., & Long, B. T. (2005). Does Preparation Matter? The Effect of High School and College Preparation on College Success. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 87(1), 135-152. This paper analyzes how high school academic preparation influences college major selection and subsequent success.

Renson, A. & Neuman, J. (2020). High School Curricula and College Major Selection. International Journal of Educational Research, 104, 101-110. This article discusses the impact of specific high school curricula on students’ decisions regarding their college majors.

Eccles, J. S., & Roeser, R. W. (2011). Seeing Future Possibilities: The Role of High School Experiences in Shaping Academic Interests and Career Paths. Educational Psychologist, 46(3), 233-245. This article explores how high school experiences shape students’ interests and ultimately influence their choices of college subjects.


