
  • Abdiraimova M.M 3rd year student of 2nd Faculty of treatment work of Tashkent Medical Academy
  • Norboyeva D.G’ 3rd year student of 2nd Faculty of treatment work of Tashkent Medical Academy
  • Elmurodova Z.R 3rd year student of 2nd Faculty of treatment work of Tashkent Medical Academy
  • Musayev H.A Teacher of pathological physiology of Tashkent Medical Academy


Key words: Mitral stenosis,inflammation of the floors of the heart ,heart failure,infectious endocarditis,rheumatism, arterial hypertension. This sentence gramatically correct.


Annotation: Mitral stenosis is a common heart disease-narrowing of the atrioventricular orifice.The main cause of Mitral stenosis is the rheumatic fever, which is most common in women compared to men oblandi.This article will talk about the clinical picture and complications of mitral stenosis.Based on the analysis of the literature, the etiology,pathogenesis,clinical picture, methods of diagnosis and principles of treatment of mitral stenosis are covered. The article discusses the complications of mitral stenosis in rheumatism and other cardiac pathologies and their prevention.The article provides measures for the early detection and Prevention of complications of mitral stenosis.



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