Key words: listening skill, definitions, process, features, roles of teachersAbstract
Abstract: Listening plays an important role in the success of English language learning.The ability to listen well and effectively contributes to the success of the learners and teachers.To follow these steps in teaching listening is not easy for some English teachers.The rules of many previos researches about the difficulties in teaching this listening skill has been showed that most teachers and students had negative attitudes towards listening to English.Taking advantages of teachers attitudes and desires for teaching skill,the researcher would like to review all steps in teaching this skill,the researcher would like to review all steps in teaching this one with the hope of contributing,helping teachers in applying these steps, theories and having an insight about how to teach it more effectively. Doing this, some suggestions are also given in this paper. The researcher hopes to enhance the effectiveness of teaching listening and helps motivate students in studying English as well.
Adapted from the learning Resources Center ad Hudson Valley Community Collage, Troy.
Teaching Listening (Learning Through Listening website)
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Michael Rost, (1991). Teaching and Researching Listening . London, UK; Longman
Mary Underwood (1989) “ Research Update on Listening.