Kalit so’zlar: Ayrim xorijiy oliygohlarda masalan ESL yoki EFL ta’lim berishda qisqa hikoyalardan ya’ni (short stories)dan foydalanishni bir qancha yaxshi tomonlarini ta’kidlab o’tadi.Abstract
Annotatsiya: Ushbu maqolada xorijiy tillarni o’rganishda ko’proq foyda beradigan interfaol faoliyatlar haqida so’z boradi, bunda o’z navbatida oliy o’quv yurtida beriladigan ko’plab imtiyozlar va faoliyatlarning eng samarali yo’llarini ko’rishingiz mumkin.
Murdoch, G. (2002). Exploiting well-known short stories for language skills development. IATEFL LCS SIG Newsletter 23, 9-17.
Lao, C. Y. and S. Krashen. (2000). The impact of popular literature study on literacy development in EFL: More evidence for the power of reading. System, 28, 261-270.
Oster, J. (1989). Seeing with different eyes: Another view of literature in the ESL class. TESOL Quarterly, 23(1), 85-103
Vandrick, S. (1997). Reading and responding to novels in the university ESL classroom. The Journal of the Imagination in Language and Teaching, 4. Retrieved January 27, 2003, from
Schulz, R. A. (1981). Literature and readability: Bridging the gap in foreign language reading. The Modern Language Journal, 65, 43-53.
Akyel, A. and E. Yalçin. (1990). Literature in the EFL class: A study of goal-achievement in congruence. ELT Journal, 44(3), 174-180.
Young, A. (1996). Introducing critical thinking at the college level with children’s stories. College Teaching, 44(3), 90.
Shanahan, D. (1997). Articulating the relationship between language, literature, and culture: Toward a new agenda for foreign language teaching and research. The Modern Language Journal, 81, 164-174.